Saturday, October 26, 2019

Why haven't the Democrats voted on an impeachment inquiry?

Historically an impeachment attempt begins with the House voting to investigate the President.

This time that hasn't happened.

There are several reasons why the Democrats have decided to go all stealthy star chamber clandestine impeachment this time:

1) They know that Trump hasn't done anything illegal but by acting as though he has they'll keep their base happy

2) No purple state Democrat wants to go on record for impeachment since they know that would guarantee that they wouldn't get reelected.

3) By not actually having a formal impeachment Adam Schiff can make up whatever rules he wants, including breaking House rules by denying Representatives access to the transcripts of his "hearings".

4) Because everything is "secret" dishonest Schiff can selectively leak misleading out of context quotes which will be repeated by the #FakeNews media as gospel truth.

If anyone you know actually thinks there is a there there in this impeachment push ask them this; if Schiff has real evidence against Trump why isn't he shouting it from the rooftops, why is he keeping it all secret?

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