Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why you're not hearing about the "whistleblower" anymore: He's a Democrat operative

The folks at Real Clear Investigations have revealed who the "whistleblower" is and why the Democrats, especially dishonest Adam Schiff, have been so desperate to hide his identity.

No it's not because they care about his security.  It's because now that we know who he is we can see that he's not some honest person but a dedicated Democrat operative who broke the law to hurt Trump.

His name is Eric Ciaramella.  He's a CIA agent.

He's an Obama hold over who worked in the White House until he was kicked out in mid 2017 because of concerns about the leaking of negative information to the #FakeNews media.  Apparently he was behind the whole "Putin fired Comey" lie.

So we have good reason to believe that he was willing to break the law, and possibly hurt US security, in order to undermine Trump.

We also know he worked with Joe Biden and John Brennen--the man who was a key player in launching the fake Russian collusion witch-hunt.

Schiff didn't want us to know that since the "whistleblowers" second hand complaint was designed to protect Joe Biden from the consequences of his corrupt actions in Ukraine.

When Ciaramella decided to repeat rumors, rumors that have since been shown to be untrue, in an attack on Trump using a newly changed rule that allowed whistleblower complaints based on second had gossip he coordinated with Adam Schiff's staff.

That's right the "whistleblower" who is the main witness for the Democrat's impeachment witch-hunt colluded with Adam Schiff who is leading the impeachment attack to produce a complaint based on second hand information.

Clearly this whole impeachment ruse is nothing more than a ploy by Democrats to nullify your vote in the 2016 election and to hopefully gain them more power over we the people.

Kevin McCarthy calls out do nothing Democrats for caring only about power

Since the Democrats won the house due to the massive media lies about Russian collusion they've concentrated on one thing; overturning the 2016 election and nullifying your vote.

Republican Kevin McCarthy attacked the Democrats agenda:

McCarthy pointed out that Congress isn't addressing critical issues like funding the government and approving a new trade deal that will help American workers.

The simple reality is that Democrats don't care about you. They think they should rule over you and tell you how to live, what your religious beliefs should be, and how much soda you can drink.

Hence all that matters to them is getting power to force you to live the way they want you to.

They don't care if the troops don't get paid, they don't care if the economy tanks--in fact they're openly hoping it will so that Trump will lose in 2020-- and they don't care about what you think.  All they care about is getting rid of Trump and nullifying your vote.

The Testimony you won't hear about: Tim Morrison

Tim Morrison a former Trump national security advisor was in on the infamous call with the president of the Ukraine and said:

“I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,”

Even worse for the Democrats witch-hunt Morrison testified that the Ukrainians weren't even aware that aid was being held up due to an internal review related not to Joe Biden but to Trump's concerns that Europe wasn't doing enough and that the money might end up in the hands of corrupt Ukrainian officials; you know the Ukrainian equivalent of Joe Biden.

The Federalist had more information about what Morrison testified to and to the direct involvement of Democrat Adam Schiff in attempting to frame Trump:

"“I have no reason to believe the Ukrainians had any knowledge of the [military funding] review until August 28, 2019,” Morrison said. That is the same day that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chief anti-Trump inquisitor in the U.S. House of Representatives, disclosed on Twitter that funding had been held up. Politico also published a story that day, sourced to anonymous leaks, that military funding had been temporarily held up."

Morrison also testified that significant parts of the testimony of William Taylor were incorrect.

First Morrison had never met privately with the Ukrainian National Security advisor.

Second that Ambassador Gordon Sondland never demanded a public statement by the president of Ukraine, Zelensky, committing to an investigation of the corrupt company that was paying Joe Biden's son as much as $83k a month.  

The reality is that the #FakeNews media will be too busy telling us it's unpatriotic to question the actions of Lt. Colonel Vindman because he is in the military to find time to show us evidence that contradicts the Democrats claims.  Oddly those same voices were quick to condemn Colonel North and General Flynn even though they too served their country.

Twitter won't run political ads because they hate Trump

There is a huge problem in America today. The #FakeNews media lies constantly to we the people and acts as a huge free source of in kind contributions to the Democrat party.

Every time some "journalist" lies about Trump that's a campaign ad that the Democrats should be paying for.

As a result conservatives like Trump have to use alternative ways to reach the American people.

Trump has done a great job using Twitter to cut through the #FakeNews media lies so to stifle him without hurting Democrats, who have all those free ads on the nightly news, Twitter is saying it won't run any political ads.

It'll be interesting to see if say Planned Parenthood ads condemning Trump will be run or not.  After all the left views organizations like Planned Parenthood and Greenpeace as apolitical.

But more importantly every "news" post by the #FakeNews media is really a campaign ad for Democrats. By constantly lying about conservatives and spinning every issue to help Democrats while never mentioning facts that prove the Democrat narrative to be wrong the #FakeNews media is nothing more than a Democrat propaganda machine.

What Twitter has effectively done is prevent conservatives from countering the unending stream of lies, distortion, silence, and spin that the blue check mark propagandists spew out every single day.

Clearly Twitter shares the Washington Post's mission statement; "Democracy Dies in Darkness".  Twitter, like the WaPo, wants you in the dark so you can't vote intelligently.

Democrats impeachment rules are tyranical

Under the new rules Schiff can still hold secret hearings indefinitely.  The resolution allows Schiff to release the transcripts of his "secret" hearings but it doesn't require him to do so.

White House council will be shut out of the process until it moves to the judiciary committee which means Schiff and other hyper partisan democrats can run a months long witch-hunt before Trump could publicly defend himself.

Trump's lawyers won't be able to question witnesses that are testifying to the Intelligence, Ways and Means, Foreign Affairs, and Financial Services committees.

Republicans can only call witnesses if the Democrat committee chairmen approve.

By having multiple committees investigate rather than just the Judiciary committee is unprecedented and allows the Democrats to access Trumps records in direct violation of his 4th Amendment rights.

The vote wasn't bipartisan, not a single Republican voted for it, but the vote against it was bipartisan with 2 Democrats voting against it.

When the Republicans impeached Clinton they had clear proof that Clinton had lied under oath to protect himself from a #MeToo lawsuit.  His attorneys weren't excluded from the hearings the way Trumps are.  Yet Pelosi and Nadler as well as other Democrats condemned those rules as being unfair.

Cleary this is nothing more than the Democrats telling we the people that we don't matter to them.  All that matters to Congressional Democrats is getting more power over us. If that wasn't the case then they wouldn't be spending all their time attacking Trump and ignoring key issues like the new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada and dealing with prescription drug costs.

#FakeNews media declares humor is dead: Brave Dog edition

President Trump once again managed to get the #FakeNews "journalists" to demonstrate their sheer hatred for Trump.

Anyone with any familiarity with how medals are awarded knew instantly that this was joke; the dog was photoshopped in.  The fact that random leftists didn't get it doesn't prove their evil since not everyone is expected to know about how military honors are awarded.

However the fact that "reporters" who knew nothing about the subject had no problem attacking Trump about this is a condemnation of them; if they don't know about something they shouldn't attack Trump, or anyone for that matter, based on their ignorance.

Even the NYT managed to be basically civil:

The key point from the NYT story is that the hero whose picture was photoshopped thought it was funny. He wasn't offended.

On the other hand at least one journalist who probably hasn't risked their life for their country was indignant and scolded Trump:

The bottom line is that Trump has shown us over and over just how untrustworthy the #FakeNews media are.

Pelosi lies to you again about impeachment

The new impeachment rules that Nancy Pelosi is pushing are nothing more than the codification of a kangaroo court.  It harkens back to the "justice" that Antifa and the KKK use which isn't surprising because both of those groups were founded by Democrats.

If the impeachment bill passes hyper partisan Adam Schiff will be able to continue his secret star chamber hearings, determine which witnesses Republicans can call, and continue to control what questions Republicans can ask.

The bill doesn't allow Republicans the same rights that Democrats had when Clinton was impeached.

Essentially what Pelosi is doing is pretending that their witch-hunt isn't a simple attempt to undo the 2016 election so that she can get judges to give her access to all of Trump's private data.

Now that data won't show any crimes but it might be embarrassing and hence help the Democrats win in 2020.

If you voted for Trump or if you've come to like what he's done as President Pelosi is spitting in your face and telling you that she rules over you she doesn't represent you.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Where do Ilhan Omar's real loyalties lie: Armenian Genocide edition

No credible non-Muslim source doubts that Turkey committed genocide against Christian Armenians between 1914 and 1923.  Even the New York Times agrees that the Ottoman Empire, the predecessor to Turkey, eliminated over 1 million Armenians.

Yet in Turkey today it's a crime to speak out loud the truth.

Which would be of no concern to us except that Democrat Ilhan Omar, you know the virulent antisemite, voted present rather than for a resolution that every other Representative in the House voted for that condemned the Armenian genocide.

Nancy Pelosi won't wag her finger at Omar, the police superintendent of Chicago won't refuse to go where she is, and the #FakeNews media won't point out the obvious; her first loyalty is to Islam.

While Omar is the most extreme the fact that the Democrat party is on record as liking Iran more than Israel even though Israel is a democracy where Muslims can freely exercise their faith and even be elected to political offices while Iran is a theocracy hell bent on exporting Islamic terrorism is scary to reasonable Americans.

It's one thing to not support this or that thing that Israel does but some Democrats have moved beyond that to calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.

If Israel were destroyed we have every reason to believe that there would be a genocidal attack on Jews that live there based on what the Islamic radicals in Iran, Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon have said.

That's why it's scary that Omar is basically coming out and saying that genocide by Muslims of Christians isn't really all that bad.

Democrats declare that disagreeing with the Swamp is a crime; Impeach Trump

The last three big witnesses at Adam Schiff's secret witch-hunt hearings have one thing in common; they're saying that the fact that Trump disagrees with the Swamp dwellers on how to deal with Ukraine is somehow evil.

Historically the State Department and the National Security Council were supposed to advise the President and then execute his policy decisions. Certainly if the State Department had critiqued Obama publicly over say his refusal to support the Arab Spring movement in Iran or had refused to implement his policies the same people who are howling for Trump's head on a platter would have condemned them.

But now Schiff is hearing testimony from people whose complaint isn't that Trump did anything illegal but that they didn't do what he wanted them to do.  Even Vindman the latest darling of the fascist Democrats didn't point to anything illegal. All he said was that he thought it was wrong for the US president to ask Ukraine to investigate whether or not Joe Biden and misused his office to cover up corruption.

As Republican Crenshaw has brilliantly pointed out it's in the national interest to know if in fact Joe Biden's targeting of the one and only prosecutor who was a threat to his son was in fact to cover up corruption or just a totally random coincidence.

But of course Democrats have the belief that they can never be investigated since they are above the law so they find the idea that a Republican president would look into Democrat crimes as odious even though they just spent 3 years looking into the alleged and then proven to be untrue "crimes" of Trump.

Democrats whole impeachment case is based on the idea that Trump asking Ukraine to investigate Democrat corruption is a crime.

By that standard pretty much every Democrat politician belongs in jail since they have been investigating Trump since before he was elected.

Did you hear about how we might be facing a new ice age?

There is a small but growing group of scientists who say that we may be facing a new ice age rather than global warming.  The fact that the earth isn't warming anywhere near as fast as the climate alarmists say it is is why they've changed from panicking about global warming to panicking about climate change.
The most recent evidence that perhaps we should be worrying about the earth cooling rather than heating up is a study in Nature Geoscience which indicates that growing Antarctic ice could lead to circulation changes in the ocean which in turn would result in significant reductions of atmospheric CO2.

Now this one study is no reason to panic but what is interesting is whether or not you'll hear about it.

A key aspect of all the left's attempts to scare you into supporting their agenda is to keep you from hearing anything that contradicts their lies. For example:

1) You don't hear about transgendered people's insanely high suicide rate or about people who regret their decision to pretend to be something they're not

2) You don't hear about the significant psychological consequences that many women who have abortions suffer from.

3) Social media censors conservative voices and Democrats complain that more censorship is needed

4) You never hear about the science behind the rejection of climate alarmists doomsday scenarios

If the #FakeNews media is honest then you should read about this report.  The coverage may include scientists who disagree, which is fine, but if the coverage is just a condemnation, or worse silence, then you know that you're being lied to.

Think of articles like this one as a canary in the coal mine.  Miners used to have canaries because when toxic gasses built up in mines the canaries would feint while people still had enough energy to escape.

If you see a pattern of the #FakeNews media covering up things then you have proof you can use to convince your friends that they're being lied to.

Democrats love Germany: Germany refuses to say that Iran threats to destroy Israel are antisemitic

The left has always had a love affair with Europe unlike the vast majority of Americans whose ancestors fled the soft tyranny of Europe for freedom in America.

The left ignores the huge amount of American blood and treasure that was spent saving Europeans from themselves. We can all agree that getting rid of Hitler was worth the cost but if France and England had taken care of their own security when Hitler was weak America wouldn't have had to sacrifice at all.

The reality is that Europe is still a horrible place. The people are ruled over by distant bureaucrats in Brussels and the elites are forcing the average citizen to declare their love for millions of uneducated Muslim extremists that are destroying the culture of every country they touch.  Accepting refugees who are grateful for a second chance is one thing; accepting people who want more money and who hate the countries that are giving that money to them and who refuse to integrate into their new societies is another.

The latest example of how Europe is going down the tubes is the German government's labeling of Iranian threats to eradicate Israel as anti-Israel not anti-semitic.

Love Israel or hate it it's impossible to deny that the Iranian hatred of Israel is based on Muslim hatred of Jews.  It's also impossible to ignore the fact that Iran is talking about exterminating Jews not Israelis.

Yet Germany, a country where you can't buy a model of a WWII airplane with the correct historical markings, is refusing to simply declare the truth.

That's the sort of spinelessness, and perhaps anti-semitism, that led to the US having to rescue Europe from Hitler.

But leftists in America are far more fond of Merkel, who heads up Germany, than they are of Trump whose Ambassador to Germany is holding the Germans to task on this issue.

Of course this just might be another sign that Democrat politicians in the US hate Jews just like their refusal to condemn Democrat Ilhan Omar's vile antisemitic comments was.

California is officially a Third World place; blackouts are no longer news

We rarely hear about how large parts of the Third World lack basics like electricity and clean drinking water because it's the norm; it's what we expect.

Similarly the fact that in California not having power is becoming a regular thing, an expected thing, so we don't hear the #FakeNews media condemning the Democrats who completely control California for their failure to provide basic services.  The fact that 1.5 million Californians are without power isn't the fault of the Democrats that run the state according to the Democrats and their fanboys in the #FakeNews media; it's the fault of climate change.

Sure Democrats in California are ensuring that every college is an abortion mill, that grade school kids know that every sexual perversion is really great, that illegals get free health care paid for by a new tax on citizens, and that illegals who commit more crimes in the US are shielded from deportation but they can't manage to provide the necessities like power and water.

Because the drought ended a while ago and the #FakeNews media doesn't cover it most Americans don't realize that California Democrats answer to the critical water shortages caused by California having the same water storage capability as it did in the 1970s, when the population was only half of what it is now, is to raise the cost of water and tell Californian's who aren't rich that they have to give up their lawns.

The root cause for Democrats failures in providing basic services is that they care much more about nature than about people.

Well about regular people. Rich Californians can afford water and alternative power sources like generators, solar panels, and Tesla batteries.  You can be sure that the Democrats who run California aren't going to suffer from the grossly misguided policies they inflict on the majority of people living in California.

The current fires aren't due to Global Warming or Climate Change; they weren't a problem 3 years ago and no one, not even the most extreme alarmists, says that the temperature in California has changed significantly in that time frame.  What has changed is that the Democrats refused PG&E's rate increases to pay for clearing flammable materials away from power lines and have instituted a policy of not performing controlled burns.

Fortunately for the Democrats the #FakeNews media is eager to help Democrats avoid the consequences of their actions so they eagerly repeat the lie that Climate Change is responsible for all of California's problems.

There is one common thread that binds together all tyrannies from Saddam's Iraq to Xi's China; the rulers are rich and government policies are all designed to help the rulers.  That's what we see in California.  Rich mostly white Democrats worry about the "environment" not because there's any real science--the air in LA was cleaned up long ago--but because they feel there is a problem. They then impose policies on all Californians that they can work around since they're rich but which negatively impact the quality of life for the non-ruling class.

If anyone you know might be thinking of voting for any Democrat in any election remind them that Democrats tell us that California is the future for America if Democrats get power and that California is becoming a hell hole.  Here's a short list of what Democrats have done to Californians:
  • Massive blackouts on a regular basis
  • Shortages of water
  • Insanely high taxes
  • Free health care for illegal immigrants paid for by a special tax on citizens
  • Declared that the Republican Presidential candidate can't appear on the 2020 ballot
  • Corrupt elections

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dan Crenshaw states the obvious about Ukraine

If a US vice president misusing his power to shield not only his son but corrupt Ukrainians from investigation isn't something that the public has a right to know about what is?

Can you imagine if the exact same situation occurred but it involved Trump and Trump Jr. how the folks who are saying that Trump is doing something wrong would react?

They would be screaming bloody murder and assigning sainthood to the Democrat president who was trying to get Ukraine to investigate.

Further Trump is also asking Ukraine to investigate Ukraine interference in the 2016 election. Democrats don't want that to happen since at least one Ukrainian has been convicted in Ukraine for interfering in support of Hillary Clinton.

This is just one more example of Democrats declaring themselves to be above the law.

We know that the one and only "corrupt" foreign prosecutor that Joe Biden personally ensured was fired is also the one and only prosecutor who was investigating the company that was paying Hunter Biden, Joe's son, a lot of money for no obvious reason other than getting favorable actions from Joe.

Hunter has admitted that he probably wouldn't have gotten the plush gig, which paid as much as $83k a month and didn't require Hunter to ever go to Ukraine, if his dad hadn't been the Vice President of the United States. When asked if he would have gotten paid by a corrupt Ukrainian company if his dad wasn't VP Hunter said:

“I don’t know. I don’t know. Probably not, in retrospect,” Hunter Biden said, before admitting his family’s political prominence played a large role in all of his dealings. “But that’s—you know—I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.”

If that admission isn't enough to warrant US interest the fact that a State Department official raised concerns at the time over what message Hunter Biden getting rich through what clearly appeared to be a corrupt deal was sending the Ukrainians.  Remember the US was working hard at the time to get the Ukrainians to end their corrupt culture so having the US VP openly engaging in what pretty much everyone would, rightly or wrongly, see as corruption seriously hurt US efforts.

That too is more than enough grounds for we the people to want to know just what happened.

University Music School supports Chinese discrimination

The Eastman Philarmonia which is one of the orchestras atheists the University of Rochester has chosen to bow down to Chinese demands and tour China without 3 South Korean members.

China doesn't like South Korea so it refused to issue visa's for the 3 students.

Instead of standing up against China's vile act the university decided to cave and discriminate against people from a free country in order to curry favor with the tyrants who run China.

The folks at Legal Insurrection raise the valid point about what would the university have done if the Chinese refused to allow Blacks or Hispanics to tour in China.

This is one more example of how the left in America will gladly accept things from the rulers of China that they would unequivocally condemn if done by the US.

Dave Chappelle condemns Democrats rejection of free speech

I'm not a big fan of modern comics because they use filthy language and make obscene jokes.

But David Chappelle spoke truth to power when he said:

"(I) don't get mad at 'em, don't hate on 'em," he said while discussing comedians he knows to be racist. "Man, it's not that serious. The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the First one doesn't work out."

The reality is that Democrats are working hard to redefine the 1st Amendment to exclude any speech they don't like. They label any advocacy for positions that they oppose as "hate" speech and say, contrafactually, that "hate" speech isn't protected by the 1st Amendment.

We know that's not the intent of the 1st Amendment because no one ever said that Democrats defending slavery didn't have the right to speak their odious beliefs.

Dave's comment on the 2nd Amendment is even more telling.  He's saying that it's the people, not the government, who run this country and as such if the government violates the law, by for example silencing people it doesn't like, then the people have the right to use force to reassert their sovereignty.

It'll be interesting to see how viciously Democrats attack Chappelle for this.  After all Democrats always vilify any Black, like say Justice Thomas, who dares step off the Democrats intellectual plantation.

Look at the things Democrats are saying about Kanye; if a Republican ever said anything like that about any Black the Democrats would call for his immediate imprisonment.

Washington Post implies that Hitler was brave

The reporter who wrote that issued a clearly bogus retraction:

Clearly writing "The assertion that Baghdadi died as as coward was, in any case, contradicted by the fact that rather than be captured, he blew himself up." wasn't an unintentional slip of the pen.

The reporter was saying that he thought that Baghdadi wasn't a coward because he committed suicide.

Apparently WaPo staff haven't heard of the very old saying that suicide is the cowards way out.

That's amazingly applicable in this case since Baghdadi was so eager to avoid being punished for his crimes against humanity that he killed three children as part of his "brave" act.  He knew that the kids would be safe with the Americans yet instead of sending them out and then killing himself he killed them all.

With the WaPo saying suicide isn't cowardly that means that they must believe that Hitler was brave since he too committed suicide rather than face the consequences of his crimes against humanity.

Now of course the WaPo would never agree to that but it shows that the WaPo will say anything so long as it, in their minds, hurts Trump.

More proof that Democrats are the party of racism: Lexington cartoon edition

A conservative Black Republican is running for office in Kentucky.  Here's how Democrats treat him:

Here are some of the responses to that tweet:

It's clear that Democrats will not tolerate a Black man or woman who dares to not bow down to the Democrat party.

We knew that though.  We have seen how Democrats treat Blacks like Justice Thomas and Ben Carson.

The long knives come out as soon as any Black dares to say that the Democrats aren't perfect.

Democrats have to do that because the truth is like a virus; it will spread if it's not treated quickly.  Democrats can't have Blacks in America knowing the truth when the truth includes things like:

1) Thousands of Blacks being shot in Democrat run cities year after year and the Democrats doing nothing
2) Abortion being the leading cause of death for Blacks and Black women being 3 times more likely to abort than white women while Democrats say that abortion is a wonderful thing
3) Black jobs being stolen and Black wages being driven down by illegal immigrants who Democrat have enticed to come to America

The final irony is that the KKK was founded by Democrats. The KKK was the Antifa of the past; a group of evil thugs who used violence to oppress anyone who wasn't a Democrat.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Democrat Katie Hill blames others for her crimes

Amazingly Democrat Katie Hill has resigned after it came out that she'd violated House rules and sexually harassed at least one staffer.

Remember the big point of the #MeToo movement is that when someone who has power over someone else has sex with that person it's never really consensual.  Currently Lockheed Martin's CEO is a woman. She's CEO now because the man who was supposed to be the next CEO was discovered to be having a consensual affair with a subordinate so he was fired.  Now LM's current CEO would probably have become the next CEO in a few years since she's highly competent but no one blamed whomever revealed the man's offense for her predecessors downfall.

But now Katie Hill is blaming conservatives for her having to resign for breaking House rules and having an affair with a staffer.

That's a typical leftist Democrat point of view; the person who broke the rules isn't at fault it's the fault of the person who revealed that the rules were broken is the bad guy.

Conservatives are guilty the instant they're accused even if there is no evidence but Democrats are innocent no matter how much evidence there is.

What makes this even more amazing is that Hill was a very vocal opponent of Kavanaugh even though the accusations against him were clearly baseless. But now there is visual evidence of Hill breaking the House rules and the new societal standards vis a vis #MeToo and she has the audacity to say that she's the victim.

Clearly we need to put her picture in the dictionary next to the definition of hypocrisy.                

Joe Biden confirms that the Democrat party is the party of the rich

On "60 Minutes" rich corrupt Joe Biden said that the a tax cut of $2000 for a family of four earring the median US income was "negligible".

Like all the Democrats Biden wants to repeal Trump's tax cuts; you know the ones that are powering unprecedented economic growth and driving unemployment to historic lows.

While Biden said that he would make the wealthy pay their "fair share" he didn't explain why he endorses eliminating the tax cuts Trump provided for the middle class.

If he didn't want to steal your money he'd be proposing a revision or a new tax for the uber wealthy but instead he's saying he'd repeal the tax cut you got.

Of course whenever the Democrats talk about taxing the rich we all know that the rich with their lawyers and accounts will minimize the impact of any new tax.  Generally speaking if the tax rate goes up the rich will simply stop creating new wealth by not investing their money and simply spend the money they already have.

The reality is that to fund the Democrats schemes they need your money and lots more of it.

While the wealthy won't have to change their lifestyle if their tax rates go up you will have to change yours when the party of the rich comes knocking on your door demanding more of your hard earned money to buy the votes of those who the Democrats will give your cash to.

Can you imagine a crowd booing Obama the day he announced we'd killed Osama?

But the beltway leftists at the world series game booed Trump the day that we learned that the head of ISIS was no more.

Given that the cheap seat tickets for this game were $500 it's clear that the folks doing the booing were overpaid Swamp dwelling elitists who hate democracy and want to rule over us.

To the left and the big government swamp dwellers all that matters is getting power over we the people and they will condemn anyone who stands in their way.

Clearly they don't care that the economy is great, that Black unemployment is amazingly low, that we're winning the trade war that China started; all that matters to them is that they're losing power.

That's what we're up against. An entrenched set of would be tyrants who feel that they are better than we the people and that they should be able to control every aspect of our lives from what our religions teach to how much soda we drink.

They reject the American dream of individual responsibility and the idea that power belongs to the people and embrace the idea of the collective and that we the people should be ruled by an elite group of our betters.

New York Times tries to deny Trump credit for getting al-Baghdadi

The NYT is saying that Trump almost kept us from getting the head of ISIS because he decided to withdraw troops from Northern Syria to avoid a war.

When Obama got Bin Laden the #FakeNews media praised him and ignored the fact that it was Bush's policies, policies that Obama condemned, that helped make that happen.

Now they're desperately trying to deny Trump credit for eliminating the head of ISIS.

As usual for the #FakeNews media it's all about protecting Democrats and vilifying Republicans.

Their "rationale" is that because Trump decided it was time for Americans to stop dying in Syria the military was forced to accelerate it's plan to take out the head of ISIS.

The problem is that the NYT article also says that the intel necessary for the raid appeared only days before the raid and that intel included the fact that al-Baghdadi was about to move.

That means that Trump's troop withdrawals had absolutely no impact on the actual mission.  In fact if the NYT is right and it was Trump's withdrawal plans that lit a fire under the military then Trump deserves credit because the mission was executed perfectly and al-Baghdadi was killed; something that wouldn't have happened if the military had passed up this opportunity.

Basically the NYT is lying in order to deny Trump the credit he deserves because they hate him.

China forcibly harvests organs from political prisoners

Every Communist country in the history of the world has been a moral abomination; the mass murders, the Gulags, the secret police etc.

Now an international charitable organization, International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China, has declared that they are certain that China has been forcing prisoners of conscience to donate organs fo ra substantial period of time.

The investigation was led by Sir Geoffry Nice QC who also led the prosecution of Slobodan Milosevic.

Among the evidence presented was the results of the China Organ Harvest Research Center which has spent years investigating the issue. They stated that the "on-demand killing of prisoners of conscience is driven by the state, run on an industrial scale and carried out by both military and civilian institutions.”

China pretended for awhile that prisoners were voluntarily donating organs to make up for their "crimes" but researchers say that the massive volume of transplants can't be explained by prisoner contributions.

This is the face of socialism where the government has all the power and rules over the people rather than representing them.

Trump speaks truth to power; says that Schiff might have leaked the news

It's likely Democrat Adam Schiff is currently selectively leaking information about his witch hunt against Trump.

His hatred of Trump and his willingness to go outside the law in his vendetta makes it credible that he'd leak information about the raid in order to deny Trump the credit for eliminating the head of ISIS.

Trump explained why he didn't tell Schiff in advance:

"The only thing is they were talking about why didn't I give the information to Adam Schiff and his committee, and the answer is because I think Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington," Trump said. "You know that, I know that, we all know that. I've watched Adam Schiff leak. He's a corrupt politician. He's a leaker like nobody has ever seen before."

The #FakeNews media is doing its usual job of pretending that all Democrats are wonderfully honest people but the reality is that Schiff is leading a secret unsanctioned impeachment probe against Trump for purely political reasons.

We now know that Schiff conspired with the first "whistleblower" to make up a complaint against Trump based on rumors; which is why Schiff has suddenly stopped touting that source.

We know that Schiff is breaking House rules by denying most of the members of the House the right to see the transcripts of the hearings he's conducting.

We know that leaks from those hearings have deliberately distorted what people have been saying and exclude exculpatory information; like the fact that the Ukraine never knew that there was a hold up in their aid package.

We know that the Democrats in Congress are on the warpath to nullify our votes in the 2016 election so it's not a stretch that hyper partisan leaker Schiff would put Democrat interests ahead of the security of we the people especially since Democrats tend to believe that ISIS isn't really a threat to the US; at least that was the case when Obama was president.

You can find more A.F. Branco cartoons at Legal Insurrection

Joe Biden has been corrupt for a long time

The Washington Examiner has shown how real reporting works. They did a deep dive into government records to find out how Joe Biden interacted with various government agencies.

They found that in at least 2 occasions Joe used his position as a Senator to push very obscure issues that just happened to benefit the law firm his son, Hunter, was a partner in.

On 2/28/2007 Biden expressed concern to DHS about its proposed safety regulations for chemical plants.  Presumably DHS was concerned because if bad actors, terrorists, were employed at chemical plants they could access chemicals which could be used in a chemical weapons attack.

The interesting thing is that just eight weeks earlier the Industrial Safety Training Council had hired the law firm where Biden was a partner to lobby DHS on the need for extended background checks for employees.  They were doing so presumably to make more money for themselves since the Industrial Safety Training Council is a trade group that represents companies that provide safety training for people who work at chemical facilities.

Hunter Biden, Joe's son, didn't register as a lobbyist for this particular activity but as a partner he would financially benefit from the work done by his firm for the trade group.

The second incident that the Washington Examiner found was Biden sending a letter to U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on 1/31/2007 about implementing an expanded background check system for volunteer organizations.

When Biden wrote that letter his son's law firm was working for a coalition of state level criminal justice advocates called SEARCH which just happened to be advocating a broader fingerprint screening system.

On 3/8/2008 Biden introduced a Bill that would implement a national fingerprint background check system for volunteer groups working with children.

Once again Hunter Biden benefited from Joe's actions and the fact that Hunter could tell prospective clients that he, Hunter, could get a Senator to go to bat for them had to help with getting new business.

Interestingly ABC News has reported that Joe Biden was concerned that the conflicts associated with his son's lobbying work could have had a negative impact on Joe's 2008 presidential run which shows that Joe was aware of problems associated with his actions.

This is of interest because Joe is currently trying to create the impression that he has never gone to bat for his son.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

All you need to know about the Washington Post: ISIS head al-Baghdadi is a "austere religious scholar"

We've known for a long time that the WaPo thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than Islamic terrorists; after all James R. Clapper himself condemned the WaPo's release of information about the PRISM program.

But as usual with liars the WaPo, which declares itself to be the good guys, keeps slipping up and revealing what they really think.

While the free world is celebrating the end of ISIS terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the WaPo's obituary for him was entitled "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State dies at 48".

Now Pope Francis is an austere religious scholar but given that al-Baghdadi had a harem of female sex slaves it's clear that he wouldn't really qualify for anyone's definition of austere.

The fact that the WaPo has people on its staff that could have written that headline is clear and unequivocal proof that they aren't on the side of we the people, or of humanity for that matter.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Democrat Cuomo pardon's child rapist who then raped another child

Because Democrats love criminals more than they love their constituents they are eager to pardon horrible criminals so that they can go and prey on innocent people.

Recently the odious Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, has been pardoning hundreds of parolees so that they can vote. Apparently in Cuomo's mind someone who raped a 15 year old is a good voter.

That case is one of the ones that the New York State Senate is investigating.  A 22 year old man was convicted of raping a 15 year old girl.  Cuomo conditionally pardoned the man who then went on to rape another girl under the age of 17.  But the good news is that the guy may have had a chance to vote Democrat when he was temporarily free.  At least that's what Cuomo seems to be thinking.

Sanctuary cites are another example of Democrats love for violent predators.  While sanctuary cities conjure up images of innocent men who are working hard being unjustly deported the reality is that sanctuary city policies only protect illegal immigrants who commit more crimes in the US.

When some illegal immigrant is arrested for DUI, robbery, rape, or murder--the specific crimes vary between different cities--the police are supposed to notify ICE so that the offender can be deported.  In sanctuary cities the police are prevented from making that notification.  As a result illegal immigrants who put American lives at risk by driving while drunk are allowed to stay in the US and put more American lives at risk.

"Law abiding" illegal immigrants don't get any benefit from this policy since they never end up in jail in the first place.

The Opioid Epidemic is good old fashion drug abuse.

No Big Pharma isn't killing Americans for profit.

It turns out that the people who are dying aren't dying from prescribed medication or because they got hooked on prescribed medication and then turned to illegal drugs.

A study of opioid related deaths in Massachusetts shows that the #FakeNews media narrative isn't in fact correct.

Only 16.8% of the people whose death's are part of the opioid epidemic had prescriptions for opioids when they died. But 61.4% had heroin and 45.3% hand fentanyl in their blood. Also opioids weren't generally detected in the blood of these victims of the opioid epidemic.

It's not Big Pharma pushing profits by selling prescription drugs that's killing these poor people it's old fashioned drug dealers.

Back in 2015 a national survey on drug use found that about 2% of Americans who used prescribed opioids had a "opioid use disorder" which covers more than addiction.  That might seem high but 9% of people who had an alcoholic drink in the last year had an "alcohol use disorder".

Clearly as used today in America by responsible physicians opioids aren't causing any sort of epidemic.

A 2018 study which looked at medical records found that about 1% of the people who took pain pills after surgery misused them.

This doesn't mean that we should start popping an oxy every morning but it does mean that if we want to help the victims of drug addiction attacking Big Pharma isn't the right process.

Perhaps we should do what Trump is doing and demand that China stop sending huge amounts of fentanyl to the US.  But as with CO2 production and plastic in the ocean the left seems singularly uninterested in castigating Communist China in any way.

Strzok admits to using Steele dossier as a "pretext" to interview people

Mueller has driven a stake through the heart of the Steele dossier by not invoking it as a reliable source.

As early as 2016 when the vile fictitious dossier first surfaced honest people in the government pointed out that it contained at least one massive factual error that called the whole thing's credibility into question.

Of course the dossier never had any credibility since it was based on anonymous Russian sources--which were likely controlled by Putin--, compiled by a British citizen who is on record as hating Trump, and was paid for by Hillary Clinton.

Now we find out, through the actions of General Flynn's new defense attorney, that infamous deep state traitor Peter Strzok talked about using the unverified dossier to interview people, possibly including Flynn.

"As news of the “salacious and unverified” allegations of the “Steele dossier” dominated the media, Strzok wrote to Page: “Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out. . . We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.”"

Now that's corruption.  Going after people whose politics one doesn't like based on a dossier that one doesn't believe is accurate--if Strzok thought the dossier was accurate he wouldn't be saying he would use it as a "pretext" to interview people.

Why haven't the Democrats voted on an impeachment inquiry?

Historically an impeachment attempt begins with the House voting to investigate the President.

This time that hasn't happened.

There are several reasons why the Democrats have decided to go all stealthy star chamber clandestine impeachment this time:

1) They know that Trump hasn't done anything illegal but by acting as though he has they'll keep their base happy

2) No purple state Democrat wants to go on record for impeachment since they know that would guarantee that they wouldn't get reelected.

3) By not actually having a formal impeachment Adam Schiff can make up whatever rules he wants, including breaking House rules by denying Representatives access to the transcripts of his "hearings".

4) Because everything is "secret" dishonest Schiff can selectively leak misleading out of context quotes which will be repeated by the #FakeNews media as gospel truth.

If anyone you know actually thinks there is a there there in this impeachment push ask them this; if Schiff has real evidence against Trump why isn't he shouting it from the rooftops, why is he keeping it all secret?

Adam Schiff breaks House rules in his quest to overturn the 2016 election

Dan Crenshaw is a national asset. In this case he points out that Adam Schiff's secrecy is a violation of House Rules.

It turns out that the House has a very reasonable rule that essentially says that all House transcripts are the popper of the House and that every member of the House should have access to them.

That makes sense since while every Representative is expected to vote on every Bill they can't attended every committee meeting where the Bill is discussed and without access to the transcripts they wouldn't be able to make an intelligent vote.

But Adam Schiff is denying all access to the transcripts so that he can selectively leak misleading quotes taken out of context to make it look like there is actually evidence of wrong doing by Trump.

And it gets better. Under Schiff's rule only members of 3 committees can see the one printed transcript of his "hearings" and then only when being babysat by an unelected Democrat staffer.

That's right the elected representatives of the people who are allowed to look at transcripts can only do so if a Democrat is watching them.

Sounds like Schiff is practicing for the new fascist Amerika that Democrats are going to introduce if they get power in 2020.

Democrats declare that Blacks who don't agree with them aren't Black

Kamala Harris has refused to attend an event hosted by the Bipartisan Justice Center, an organization consisting of mainly Blacks, because it gave an award to Trump for getting justice reform passed. That bill is a bad one but Trump supported it.

Yet despite the fact that Trump produced what Blacks wanted Harris is boycotting the event.

She said:

“As the only candidate who attended an HBCU, I know the importance that these spaces hold for young Black Americans,”  “Today, when it became clear Donald Trump would receive an award after decades of celebrating mass incarceration, pushing the death penalty for innocent Black Americans, rolling back police accountability measures and racist behavior that puts people’s lives at risk, and then learned all but ten Benedict students are excluded from participating, I cannot in good faith be complicit in papering over his record.”

What's odd is it sounds like she's really talking about Joe Biden.  

Of course no one, not even the supporters of capital punishment, want innocent Blacks to be executed nor are there in fact any examples of anyone letting rogue cops go free.  Racist behavior by the police is a bogus charge, in cases where the person being stopped doesn't flee or fight whites are slightly more likely to be shot than Blacks, which the left constantly harps on to keep Blacks afraid.

As to racist behavior keep in mind that prior to running for President Trump was considered to be a great friend of Black Americans.

The reality is that Kamala is really saying that if Blacks don't support Democrats, you know the same Democrats who don't care about the thousands of Blacks shot in Democrat run Chicago every year, aren't really Black.

Kamala has sold out to the white's who run the Democrat party. In their universe Blacks are only allowed to think one way unlike members of every other race.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rumors are all the Democrats have, false ones at that

The #FakeNews media and Democrats were declaring that there was a smoking gun in their coup attempt to impeach Trump.

William Taylor, acting US ambassador to Ukraine, said that there was a quid pro quo for foreign aid to Ukraine; Ukraine had to investigate Biden and Ukraine interference in the 2016 election.

The only problem is that Taylor admitted that he had no first hand knowledge of any quid pro quo and under questioning he admitted that the Ukrainians never knew that there was any chance of their aid being held up.

But now it get's even better. Taylor said that the US Ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland told him there was quid pro quo but now Sondland is saying through his lawyer that he doesn't recall such a conversation and he's testified to Congress that there was no quid pro quo.

So the rumor that Taylor and the Democrats tried to pitch as a fact has been denied by the person cited as the source of the rumor.

Just like in the "whistleblower" case we have people who don't like Trump pretending to know something when in fact the primary sources they invoke say that nope that isn't the case.

Sadly there is a nearly unlimited supply of people in government who hate Trump and who will be willing to lie, albeit not under oath, about things they have no first hand knowledge of if it will hurt Trump.

Government employees keep the homeless homeless.

While they didn't come to the right conclusion, government is the problem, KTVU in San Francisco has highlighted one major aspect of why there is a homelessness crisis in Democrat run California.

"San Jose’s budget shows the city spent about $14 million on homelessness. Much of that money -- $12 million -- goes toward rental subsidies, administrative costs, and crafting plans for new affordable housing developments.

What’s left – about $2 million -- is directed toward running homeless shelters and providing clothing, food, and medical care to people without a home.

In Oakland, 2 Investigates found it’s much of the same. Nearly $24 million is set aside in the annual budget for homelessness issues, but only $4 million goes directly to help people living on the streets get into permanent housing.

In San Francisco, the situation is better. The city sets aside about $285 million annually for dealing with the homelessness issues, and funnels about $104 million to direct services."

In the best city of the bunch, San Francisco, only 36% of the money goes to actually helping the homeless. The rest is eaten up by overpaid government employee's and consultants who plan and plan and plan but somehow never actually do anything that helps those in need.

In Oakland only 16% of the money spent on "helping" the homeless actually ends up helping the homeless. The rest go to enrich the Democrat ruling class and their consultants.

Any charity with that sort of record would be run out of town on a rail. While there is no hard and fast rule charities that spend less than 65% of the money they raise on their actual mission are considered to be problematic.

What this shows is that when politicians demand more money for the poor they're really mostly asking for more money for government employees and consultants.

If you really want to help the homeless give money to your local St. Vincent De Paul society; they help the people who are really in need and in at least my parish their overhead is 0%; 100% of your donation helps people who are in need.

Open Border Harvard loons are attacking the Free Press

Surprise surprise there was an anti-ICE protest at Harvard.  The uber white privileged scions of the East Coast leftists elites were protesting the fact that US law protects Black Americans from unlimited competition from illegal immigrants for jobs.

The Harvard student newspaper, The Crimson--probably named that for all the blood shed by people that Harvard students support like Che and Stalin--, asked ICE for a comment about the protest after it happened.

Then all Hell broke loose.  So far a petition that condemns the Crimson has 650 signatures.

First let's note that the Crimson didn't "rat" on any illegal immigrants at Harvard; all it did was ask ICE for a comment about a protest against ICE.

It's likely that most of the people who have signed the petition condemn Trump's attacks on #FakeNews as attacks on the freedom of the press so they're demand that the Press not even talk to certain people demonstrates an amazing level of hypocrisy.   Or does it?

The reality is that the left in America today doesn't believe in either freedom of speech or a free press.  They declare that any speech they don't like is "hate" speech and that the 1st Amendment doesn't protect "hate" speech. Similarly the left is constantly calling for the censorship of views they don't like in the press and they've even called for an end to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh's radio show.

Hence the attacks on the Crimson aren't hypocritical they're just the left letting its mask down.

When the left says it's tolerant and diverse it's lying.  When it condemns freedom it's telling the truth.

The left has to hate free speech because on a level playing field where facts and logic rule every single leftist policy loses.  Only in darkness and protected by lies, ignorance, and propaganda can the left convince Americans to vote for their policies.

That's why the people at Harvard are desperate to ensure that no one at Harvard hear the truth about ICE and about illegal immigration.

What does it say about Democrats that Biden is leading in the polls?

We all know that Joe Biden used the power of his office to get the one and only "crooked" prosecutor in the world who just happened to be investigating Joe's son Hunter fired.

In his 8 years in office there is no other example of Biden personally ensuring that a "crooked" prosecutor get fired.

And we know that corrupt Ukrainians funneled lots of money into the Biden family via Hunter.

Similarly we know that the Chinese government has funneled millions of dollars into the Biden family via Hunter.

If we had anything remotely like this sort of evidence of corruption by Trump he'd be long gone.

Yet with a field that was at one time in the 20s Democrat voters still pick Joe Biden as their #1 choice.

That tells us a lot.

First it tells us that the rest of the Democrat field is so insanely left wing that even people who voted for Obama twice don't want to touch them with a ten foot pole.

Real Americans know that open borders, free healthcare for illegals but not for citizens, special taxes on citizens to pay for free healthcare for illegals, massive tax increases, and a return of the Obama economy, not to mention killing all the cows and forcing Americans to go without electricity aren't good things.

Even as they condemn the mean orange man, Trump, Democrat voters don't want to return to high unemployment and a stagnant economy.

While Biden has clearly drunk the kool aid and has been moving leftward the #FakeNews media continues to portray him as a moderate.

While people talk about "electability" what they're really saying is that Biden is the only Democrat who espouses policies that aren't hated by everyone except the left wing mobs on Twitter.

The second thing that Biden's lead tells us is that Bill Clinton wasn't a one off; rather he reflected what the Democrats really believe.  Essentially the Democrats refusal to convict Clinton showed that Democrats believe they are above the law and that no matter what they do they can't be held accountable.

We saw that repeated with Democrats support for Hillary compromising highly classified information so that she could hide her work related emails from Freedom of Information Act inquiries.

Now with Biden we see that the same Democrats who howl about Trump's alleged "corruption" are completely willing to turn a blind eye to Biden's proven corruption.

Clearly Democrats view themselves as above the law unlike Republicans. Remember when it was clear that Nixon had broken the law Republicans stopped supporting him.  Similarly should there ever be evidence of Trump having done something illegal we can be sure that the Republicans in the Senate will dump him like yesterdays trash.

If "Democracy Dies in Darkness" why isn't the Washington Post screaming about the secret impeachment hearings?

With great fanfare the Washington Post rolled out its new motto, "Democracy Dies in Darkness" back in February 2017.

The idea was that Trump had colluded with Russia and that if the "truth" wasn't revealed then Democracy would die--ie Democrats wouldn't be able to control every aspect of your life.

Of course that turned out to be a big lie. The only thing going on in darkness was the attempted coup by unelected DC bureaucrats aided and abetted by #FakeNews organizations like the Washington Post.

We now know that the Washington Post is in fact a big fan of darkness so long as that darkness helps them impose their beliefs on we the people.

The Democrats are holding secret impeachment hearings denying not only we the people but the members of the House Judiciary Committee--you know the folks who would actually write any acts of impeachment--any insight into what is really going on.

In addition Democrats are saying that the "whistleblower" who started this whole bit of insanity can't be revealed now or ever. That is they're saying that Trump has no right to cross examine the person who, based on rumors, is accusing him of a crime.  The Democrats are also saying the voters who voted for Trump have no right to know who is trying to undo their votes.

Yet the Washington Post is staying silent.  If the Washington Post actually believed in its own motto it would be screaming bloody murder about the Democrats Star Chamber completely unAmerican witch hunt. Instead they're upset that Trump correctly referred to the Democrats process as a lynching; ie a mob acting outside the law trying to kill an election the results of which Democrats didn't like.

The reality is that the Washington Post's motto is in fact their mission statement. The Washington Post is working hard to increase the darkness so that democracy can die and be replaced by the authoritarian rule of the Democrats that the Washington Post so loves.

Like Democrats the Washington Post views Democrats as rulers not representatives who should control your life so that you don't do things that the Democrats know are wrong; like drive a car, fly in a plane, eat beef, use a straw, or drink too much soda.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

NAACP says that the 1st Amendment is dead

Two noxious UConn students shouted racial slurs. They were arrested under a Connecticut law that says:

“Any person who, by his advertisement, ridicules or holds up to contempt any person or class of persons, on account of the creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race of such person or class of persons, shall be guilty of a class D misdemeanor,”

This is clearly unconstitutional.  As written a Black man who called a white man a honkey could be arrested.  Similarly a Black man who said bad things about a Korean store owner could be arrested.

That's literally the definition of what the 1st Amendment protects.  Free speech means that anyone can say anything without having to have their speech approved by some thought police.

Now we all should condemn the shouting of racial slurs. It would even be grounds for a school to expel them. But it's most certainly not a criminal action.

Interestingly it was the UConn NAACP chapter that wrote to the campus newspaper saying that the incident be investigated and the proper justice be applied.

I wonder if two Black students called white men honkies if the NAACP would say that they should be punished?

Why is the House intelligence committee handling impeachment? To hide the truth of course

The House Judiciary Committee is responsible for drafting articles of impeachment but its members aren't allowed into the room where Democrat Adam Schiff is holding the impeachment investigation.

That sounds really stupid doesn't it?  So why are the Democrats doing it?

Well apparently Adam Schiff is an even more reliable liar than Democrat Nadler is and also because this allows Schiff to pretend that all testimony is in fact classified and use that as grounds to keep the proceedings, which have been public in all previous impeachments, secret.

Republican Representatives stormed the hidden room trying to get in but were denied entry.

When 2020 comes around remember that this is who the modern Democrat politicians are; fascists who want to rule over us not represent us and who are eager to hide the truth to further their power grab.

They don't want you to know what's going on because they think you're too stupid to be trusted; after all you voted for Trump not Hillary.  They "know" that they're better than us and that they have a mandate to rule over us and ensure that we don't eat beef, drink too much soda, or use plastic straws.

If there was a case against Trump there would be no need for this secret inquisition/lynching that Schiff is presiding over.

Adam Schiff is lying to you: William Taylor edition

Because the coup, er impeachment hearing, is being conducted in secrecy we the people have no idea of what's going on.

That's intentional. Democrats lead by Adam Schiff are purposely hiding the truth so that they can selectively leak comments that distort what the witnesses are really saying.

The latest example is the the US acting ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor.

His opening statement was leaked because it appears to say that there was a quid pro quo for Trump providing aid to Ukraine. But a close reading of even that showed that Taylor had no first hand knowledge of a quid pro quo.

Even if it had it's not clear why a Trump quid pro quo would be bad when the media and the Democrats are defending Biden's quid pro quo--you fire the prosecutor investigating my son or no foreign aid for you.

But the opening statement was designed to mislead.  When questioned by Republicans Taylor admitted that the Ukrainians had no idea that the aid had been held up; ie there couldn't be a threat of a quid pro quo if the Ukrainians thought the money was on the way no matter what.

Because of the Schiff's cone of silence rules, which Democrats are violating by leaking selective things, Republicans can't actually comment on what was said.  However they can comment on what wasn't said:

Rep. Ratcliffe(R-TX) said:

"I found [Taylor] to be very forthright. He had very strong opinions about Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy. But again, the mainstream media reporting that he provided evidence of a quid pro quo involving military aid is false. I questioned him directly on that. And under [House Intelligence Chairman] Adam Schiff’s rules I can’t tell you what he said, but I can tell you what he didn’t say. And neither he or any other witness has provided testimony that the Ukrainians were aware that military aid was being withheld. You can’t have a quid pro quo with no quo"

The simple reality is that Trump was holding up aid not because of any quid pro quo but because he wanted to make sure the money didn't just go into the pockets of corrupt politicians, you know Ukrainians who acted like Joe Biden and his son Hunter did, and because Trump wanted Europe to pay its fair share.

Democrats are lying to us about this in order to frame Trump.  Demand that Schiff stop holding secret meetings and denying we the people the truth.

Climate alarmists don't believe what they say: China coal use edition

We're told by radical environmentalists that we're facing an extinction level event if we do nothing to end human CO2 production.

No sacrifice is too great for Americans to avoid this.  We're told by scientific geniuses like Ocasio-Cortez that we must give up cars, planes, and beef to keep the world safe.

What's odd, and what proves that the leaders of the climate is going to kill us movement don't really believe what they're saying, is that these jihadists for Gaia never talk about China.

For example in the Paris Accords, which the climate jihadists love, China is allowed to massively increase its CO2 production; something that no one who believes we're facing catastrophe could possibly allow.  Because the jihadists are all for China massively increasing CO2 production they, the climate alarmists, can't possibly believe that we are in fact facing a crisis.

The latests silence of the jihadists is about China's use of coal. Coal is far worse than natural gas in terms of the CO2 it produces, which is why US CO2 is going down dramatically under Trump because Trump is encouraging fracking which makes natural gas a cheaper source of energy than coal, so the fact that China uses more coal than the rest of the world would merit a comment from the jihadists.

Yet we hear nothing.  Clearly if the climate radicals really believed what they're saying before they demand that the US stop cows from farting they'd be working on China to cut its massive use of coal.

Clearly the climate alarmists aren't really concerned about CO2 created climate change but about forcing Americans to live the lifestyle that they, the climate alarmists, want us to live.

They want we the people to be vegans and unable to easily move around.

The clearest way to see that the "science" that the alarmists invoke is bogus is to note that the alarmists are ignoring the worlds major source of CO2, Communist China, and attacking tiny sources of CO2 in the US.

We see this in terms of straws too.  It turns out that China puts 33 times more plastic into the ocean than the US, and the US puts in less plastic than North Korea, but the climate alarmists demand that we the people give up plastic straws and say nothing about China's massive pollution problem.