Sunday, August 5, 2018

Gov. Cuomo is a tyrant at heart

Cuomo has said that he's trying to drive the NRA out of business using the power of government.

What's more tyrannical than that?

Can you imagine if say Gov. Walker in Wisconsin said he was going to use the power of government to drive Black Lives Matter or even Antifa out of business?

Clearly Cuomo believes he's a ruler not a public servant and that power derives not from the people but from the elites who run our government.

He also can't stand the First Amendment. He apparently feels that he has the right to squash all speech he doesn't like.

Every election is becoming a Flight 93 election because the choice isn't between two sets of people who believe in the Constitution but between one group that does and the Democrats who are fascists and who only believe that elections count when they win.

With their enthusiasm about unelected judges making up new laws and their belief that the First Amendment only applies to them many Democrat politicians are an existential threat to American freedom.

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