The movie leaves out the part about Neil putting up an American flag on the moon because to the leftists who made the movie the landing on the moon was an achievement for mankind not the USA.
Despite the fact that it was an American president, JFK, who called for the landing, the fact that it was paid for entirely by US taxpayers, the fact that it was executed by American engineers and scientists, the fact that the astronauts were all American, and the fact that the Soviet Union was trying to get to the moon at the same time but failed to the left putting a man on the moon wasn't an American triumph.
It's clear that the left hates America and what better way to turn Americans against America than to constantly blame America for things it didn't do, mass killings of civilians in the war on terror, and to refuse to credit America for the great things it's done, end slavery and land on the moon.
There are many Americans who get their history from entertainment and their public school education but both sources are biased against America. In school kids learn about how horrible the US was to allow slavery but the fact that thousands of Americans died to end slavery is not discussed. Kids are taught that the US oppressed native Americans but they're not taught how blood thirsty and savage the native Americans were. The list is endless.
The left hates America because America didn't follow 21st century rules in the 18th century. Never mind that America was much better in the 18th century than the rest of the world; all that matters to the left is that we weren't perfect.
If you know history try and educate your friends. Tell them about how the native Americans attacked and committed atrocities against Americans; it was not just Americans slaughtering the natives for the fun of it. Tell them about how the US sacrificed so much to end Nazism and to rebuild Japan and Europe after WWII. Tell them that the First Gulf War wasn't about oil but about liberating a small country--Kuwait--which had been overrun by a large country--Iraq.
We need to counteract the #FakeHistory that the public schools and the entertainment industry is pushing.
The truth shall set us free but lies will enslave us.