Monday, March 11, 2019

Democrats side with dictatorial socialism in Venezuela

Venezuela used to be one of the richest countries in the world because of their incredible wealth of oil.

But today, after decades of socialist rule, they are without electricity and people are literally starving to death.  Around 10% of the population has fled due to the deteriorating conditions.

The current dictator used the military to stop aid conveys with food and medicine from entering the country.

Yet Democrat politicians are still unwilling to condemn the dictator Maduro, who is only hanging on to power because of his paramilitary forces that attack his opponents, and support the legal President Juan Guaido.

As usual Democrat politicians lie about the situation in Venezuela and claim that Trump is exercising some sort of neocolonial oppression.  What they don't tell you is that pretty much every country in the hemisphere recognizes Guaido not Maduro.

Countries recognizing Guaido:

  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Canada
  • Peru
  • Columbia
  • Paraguay
  • Ecuador
  • Guatemala 
  • Costa Rica 
  • Honduras
  • Panama

Countries recognizing Maduro:

  • Mexico
  • Bolivia
  • Cuba

Democrats are afraid to condemn Maduro because the agenda he advanced, and Hugo Chavez before him, is the same as that advanced by Democrats like AOC.

The reality is that socialism has been tried repeatedly, from Nazi Germany to Venezuela, and it always fails and results in tyranny, an ultra rich ruling class, and poverty for everyone else.

America would be no different.  Of course Democrat politicians aren't bothered by that because they know they'd be the ultra rich ruling class and all they're out for is themselves.

But we the people have to take a stand and refuse to give power to the Democrats who will use it to oppress and impoverish us for their own benefit.

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