Saturday, March 16, 2019

Democrat child abuse; brainwashing children

Kids are missing school so they can go out and campaign for Democrats.  This is the Democrat dream; a biased dishonest public school system that trains kids to be Democrat stooges.

Kids across the country are skipping class so that they can go out and support Democrats plan to return the US to the 17th century--no electricity-- when they should be learning how to think.

It's bad enough that the schools main mission appears to be indoctrinating kids rather than educating them but actually using kids as unpaid campaign aids during school hours is even worse.

Of course this is the inevitable result of a public school system.  Everyone agrees that in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union public schools brainwashed children.

But for some reason we're supposed to think that in America schools run by the government, just like in Germany and the Soviet Union, won't be influenced by the politicians who run the government.

While it's true that American schools don't teach kids to hate Jews--though that might change-- they often do teach kids to hate capitalism.

The point is that politicians, by their very nature, want to control how we the people live. Sometimes it's out of misplaced altruism, they're smarter than us and they want to help us, but often it's about a burning desire for personal power.

As such the idea that they would keep their ideological biases out of the schools they control presumes them to be much better than people usually are; and we all know that politicians, with some exceptions, are hardly the best America has to offer.

In California the Democrats are using the schools to push their hedonistic "any sex but sex inside a committed marriage" is good agenda as well as their rejection of science--human life doesn't begin at conception, a man can will himself into being a woman--on kids.

Parents who don't think kindergarteners should be talking about gay sex are viciously attacked by the government showing that the public schools aren't run to do the will of the parents--teach their kids reading, writing, and arithmetic, etc--but for the good of the government.

Just like in socialist states like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union the government views the public schools mission as producing people who are loyal to the government and who help advance the governments agenda.  Which is diametrically opposed to the American idea that the government exists to execute the policies desired by the people.

Like all tyrants Democrat politicians are using the public school system to indoctrinate our children.

One time one of my kids was watching the Rush Limbaugh TV show, she was in kindergarten at the time, and a scene of trees being cut came on.  She immediately said that was horrible that we should never cut down trees.  That's what she'd learned in public schools. My dad and I explained to her that it's fine to cut down trees if you plant new ones and that without cutting down trees we couldn't have housed, or baseball bats.

That was decades ago. Now the public schools tell kids that casual sex is ok and that the massively promiscuous gay lifestyle is ok even though the health consequences of that are worse than those due to smoking.

It's time to put in place tuition vouchers so that parents can send their kids to schools that are more than government brainwashing facilities.

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