Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Left loves separating children from their parents

When Bill Clinton signed into law the law that is currently leading, in combination with a 9th circuit court ruling, to the separation of illegals who are caught breaking the law by entering the country illegally leftists did not begin a long term campaign to overturn it.

When Obama separated the children of illegals from their criminal parents leftists said nothing.

When Trump continued the same policy leftists became enraged and one suggested that Trump's child should be raped.

When Trump used an executive order to stop the practice the left acted as though nothing had happened.

Wait...what?  That's right Trump signed an executive order ending the practice something that old Obama with his pen and his phone never did and the left and the media, I love redundancy, are acting as though he didn't do anything.

Apparently the only reason the left cares about the kids of illegals is if they can be used to guilt trip Americans into accepting open borders.

How else can we explain that when Obama separated kids from their parents leftists said nothing, when Trump separated kids the left howled, and when Trump--unlike Obama--ended the policy the left kept howling?

Of course we can know from other leftist positions that the left doesn't care about separating kids from their parents.

First if you live in America and commit a crime you will be separated from your kids and the left is cool with that.

Second the left supports the idea of hedonism and easy divorce and, since the times of Murphy Brown, extols the idea of single parent families.  Yet in single parent families kids are not temporarily separated from one parent; they're essentially permanently separated from one parent.  So clearly separating a kid from his dad is not viewed as a problem by the left.

Third the left is all in for the greatness of a woman's right to choose to separate her child from life. Which one would think is a bit more severe than just say having the kid and then putting her up for adoption even though adoption results in a separation from a kids biological parents.

So remember that the same folk who are saying Trump is a monster for having ended a practice that Obama maintained are the ones who are not bothered that 1,000,000 innocent children are killed each year in America through abortion.

If that's caring about the kids I'd really hate to see what not caring about kids entails.

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