At this years National Prayer Breakfast Obama viciously
attacked Christianity while continuing to defend Islam.
While refusing to label modern Islamic fundamentalist terrorists as Islamic
Obama had no problem labeling Crusaders and Inquisitors—who he clearly held up
as being as bad as modern Islamic terrorists—as Christians.
Obama apparently missed the incongruity of constantly saying
that Islamic terrorism isn’t Islamic but casually declaring that the Christians
response to Islamic aggression, the Crusades, was on par with terror.
Oddly Obama missed the bizarre nature of comparing acts which were normal 1000
years ago-- when life was brutish, short, and nasty—with even worse acts done
today when the world is much more civilized.
Obama also apparently missed his history class when they
discussed how the Crusades were in response to violent Islamic military
aggression and persecution of Christians.
He clearly missed the fact that the Inquisition
killed fewer
people in close to two hundred years, 1231-1400, than Osama Bin Laden did on
9/11; and over the entire 500 year history of Inquisitions—many of which were
not approved of by the Catholic Church-- the death toll is only around twice
the number of people who died on 9/11.
Obama also missed the inconsistency of saying that Crusaders were inspired by
their faith but refusing to acknowledge that ISIS is inspired by Islam when
ISIS itself says it is acting as a faithful servant of Allah.
In doing so Obama missed the fundamental difference between Christianity and
Islam; Allah says that there is no Golden Rule for non-Muslims.
When Crusaders or Inquisitors did evil things they were going against what
Christ taught; which is why Pope Innocent III condemned the sacking of
Constantinople and Saint Pope John Paul II apologized for it.
Unlike the Allah of the Quran Christ never tells Christians to persecute or
kill any non-Christian. Even the “dark” verses of the Old Testament so beloved
by atheists are very specific and limited; God tells the Jews to do this or
that violent action in one particular circumstance. God never tells Jews, or
Christians, that they can choose to lie to, steal from, or kill
non-Christians/Jews in general.
In the New Testament Christ is even clearer that His is not a kingdom of this
world and His followers are not to use violence but rather to forgive and love
their oppressors; that’s why the justification for the Crusades was to defend
Christians in the Holy Land who had been conquered by and were being persecuted
by Muslims.
The Quran however contains
verses such
(8:12) -
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore
strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
(9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the
idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and
lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer
and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."
In Islam the “dark” verses are open ended in that they apply
to all non-Muslims. That means that Muslims who are inclined to violence can
find verses in the Quran to justify terrorism. That some Christians say the
Bible supports this or that evil is a far cry from the Bible actually
supporting that evil.
That is the key truth that Obama missed; while people have used every religion
to justify evil the reality is that Christians who did so had to lie and distort
what Christ taught whereas Muslims can truthfully justify evil because the Quran
justifies evil.
Why is Islam so fixated on violence and the use of force to convert
non-believers? Why does Islam have one set of rules for Muslims and another for
non-Muslims? Why does Islam support what all other faiths view as evil? After
all Mohammad claims that Jesus is great prophet and Allah is the God of the Old
Testament so shouldn’t Islam be more like Christianity?
The answer is that Islam was the Scientology of the 7
th century. Just
as Scientology’s founder has been quoted as
"I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is."
Mohammad made up a faith, stealing bits from Judaism and
Christianity, that would get him wealth, power, many wives—one of whom was 6 years old when he married her--, and adulation.
If one looks at the history of the writing of the Quran one finds that verses
that are peaceful and tolerant were written when Mohammad was militarily weak
and had to be nice to his neighbors whereas verses that demand violence towards
non-Muslims were from when Mohammad had the military power to persecute and
slaughter his neighbors.
That’s why some Muslims can cite verses that show that Islam is a religion of
peace. In fact many Muslims are peaceful
people but that’s because they ignore the bad parts of the Quran. Such Muslims
were a problem for Mohammad that is why the Quran says:
(4:95) - "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive
no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods
and their persons.
(8:65) - "O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight..."
Not all who subscribe to Islam, then or now, are comfortable
with the evil that Mohammad extols; from a Christian perspective this makes
sense since God has written His laws on the hearts of all men.
That’s why it’s important to condemn Islam
but not all Muslims lest we make unnecessary enemies.
That Christianity and Islam are so different is a clear reflection of the
differences between Jesus and Mohammad.
Obama apparently missed the fact that Jesus—even if we only consider His human
actions-- is an infinitely better person than Mohammad.
Mohammad’s acts would cause him to be an
international criminal in todays world; including killing
marrying a 6 year old
raised money through
taking 1/5 of the loot from battles for himself, breaking treaties, and
murdering poets who criticized him.
But Obama’s equating the true “religion of peace” Christianity with the
“religion of making sure that Mohammad gets rich” is not surprising given
Obama’s ringing defense of Islam. For example Obama
the UN:
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
Perhaps the biggest thing Obama missed, or doesn’t care about, is that his
blatant attack on the faith held by the majority of Americans will reduce
Democrat credibility across the board.
For example people, especially low information voters, who were on the fence
about the HHS mandate forcing Catholic and other Pro-Life Christians to pay for
chemical abortions might change sides if they realize that Obama has a
virulently anti-Christian view of the world.
Similarly by essentially labeling anyone who takes their Christian faith
seriously as the enemy Obama is making the Democrats even less likely to win in
After all if Obama becomes an apostle of intolerance the intolerance at the
core of the Democrat agenda will become more obvious even to those who get
their news from the MSM.
As always however the media will bury this story so conservatives—that’s
you—need to spread the word; knowledge always results in folks voting for
conservatives while liberalism’s success depends on ignorance.