Thursday, June 21, 2018

More proof of Leftist dishonesty

We were told that Trump is a monster because the laws of the land, passed under Clinton, he was properly following forced separations between children and their parents who were being arrested.

The leftists were obviously lying since the same thing happened under Obama and they didn't care.

But now Trump has done the right thing and families will be detained together and instead of applauding and commending Trump the leftists are now saying that detaining people trying to break into the US to get welfare for life is evil.

The reality is that leftists don't care about children, if they did they wouldn't be big fans of abortion, and that they were just using children to try and get open borders.

It's fairly clear that if Trump were to now allow anyone who could sneak across the border to stay leftists would call him a monster for not giving them citizenship and allowing them to vote.

Bottom line whenever a leftist says it's about the children it's safe to assume that it's not; for leftists it's always about them and their political power.

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