There's a new series on Amazon Prime which shows superheroes as monsters. It's just the latest effort by the left to create the illusion that there are no real heroes; that all people are seriously flawed.
We see that in the entertainment media constantly. When's the last time you saw a TV show or a movie where a young man refused to have sex before marriage? When's the last time you saw a hero who wasn't flawed or immoral at some level?
Yet we all know the world is full of real heroes. There are the police and first responders who risk their lives every day. There's the men who have volunteered for the military and died defending our country. There are the parents of special needs children who sacrifice so much for their children.
While some of those people also do bad things the reality is that there are millions of true, honest, faithful, American heroes. But if society acknowledges that then people have a standard to judge bad people by. But by that standard most leftists would be condemned by society because of their selfishness and their evil behavior. It's not an accident that leftists give less of their own time and money to help the poor than conservatives. It's not an accident that sexually promiscuous leftists are all for abortion at any time for any reason.
The reality is simple; to avoid being condemned by society leftists have waged a decades long war to normalize evil and convince people that true heroes don't exist.
The characters the media pushes are almost all at least partly anti-heroes; people who might do good but who are seriously flawed from a moral perspective. Every hero has feet of clay. Even worse the media portrays evil people as the good guys. Prostitutes are far more likely to be good people in modern fiction than business owners. In modern fiction thieves are the main repository of honor in the world while police officers are corrupt racists who kill Black people for sport.
Essentially the left acting through entertainment media it controls portrays people who do evil as really being good and people who do good as really being evil.
The left does this because they are generally very flawed and very evil people. If you doubt this here are a few of the things leftists stand for today:
1) Promiscuity and the objectification of people as things to be used rather than life long partners to be loved
2) Abortion for any reason at any point in time up to shortly after the baby is born
3) Forcing hard working Americans to pay for a comfortable lifestyle for people who can work but who don't want to
4) A government that has control over every aspect of we the peoples lives down to what sort of straws we can use
5) The idea that everything belongs to the government and that reducing taxes is the government "letting" us have more money
6) The idea that whites who came to America long after slavery ended should pay "reparations" to Blacks who not only were never slaves but who have no slave ancestors
7) The idea that religions should change what they teach on issues like abortion and marriage to conform to conform to what leftists believe
8) The idea that sex with kids is ok so long as the predator is a leftist like Polanski
9) The idea that it's ok for Antifa to use violence to shut down speech the left doesn't like
10) The idea that free speech only means that speech that the left approves of is protected.
Of course the left's demonization of heroes isn't limited to fiction. When Bill Clinton was being impeached for lying under oath to avoid a #MeToo lawsuit leftists told us that every one lies about sex.
First off sexual harassment of a subordinate isn't sex unless you consider rape to be sex. Second most Americans don't cheat on their spouses or even on people they're having a long term relationship with. In fact only around 18% of men and 12% of women admit to being adulterous. Yet the left has worked hard to normalize what Bill Clinton did.
In fact the #MeToo movement, which the reviving of Al Franken shows is over for the left, was started not because the left objects to men exploiting women--if they did they'd have made Al Gore President by convicting Clinton--but as a weapon to attack Trump.
If you look at the history of the #MeToo movement it's clear that the left thought that by offering up a on the down slope movie mogul they could turn we the people against Trump because of Trump's supposed sexual sins. But things didn't go as the left planned.
First it turned out that #MeToo offenders were mostly leftists and once the left raised the topic the vast majority of women who came out as having been sexually harassed accused leftist "heroes".
That's why the left tried hard to normalize Clinton's sexual crimes; if they condemned him they'd be condemning themselves.
People who do evil always try and rationalize their actions as being good and normal. Hence it's not surprising that the left is has been working hard to subconsciously convince we the people that real heroes are monsters and real villains, like most leftists, are saints.