Wednesday, October 31, 2018

An example of media bias vis a vis guns

This graphic is from PowerLine Blog; a great place to get conservative news by the way.

The Fox News headline tells the story but the News8 headline hides what the left doesn't want you to see.

Guns in the hands of good guys do good.  But for the Left to succeed in taking guns away from the good guys, while reducing prison sentences for criminals who have guns, they have to keep the voters from knowing the truth.

The left joins forces with anti-semites

Ben & Jerry is providing money to a group that includes people who hate Jews in yet another sign of the left's hatred of Jews.

The group in question is the Woman's March which is lead by Linda Sarsour who is on record as condemning the "humanization" of Jews.  Further the group has close ties with Louis Farrakhan who has called Jews "terminates".

While the left in America has been trying to blame Trump for the attack at the Tree of Life synagogue  it's the left which has always been supporters of the PLO and Hamas both of which stage attacks on Jews whenever they can.

Either the left only cares about American Jews, unlikely given the left's rejection of nationalism, or they're lying since they have demonstrated a lack of concern for Jews overseas who have been killed by anti-semites.

That Ben & Jerry are comfortable sending money to the Women's March even though that organization has close ties to Farrakhan shows that they are comfortable with hating Jews. While the company says that they are ok with supporting groups with controversial views the reality is that they would never support a group that is fond of Trump which puts their support of anti-semitism front and center.

Democrats use groups; Jewish edition

Democrats are always running around telling the world that they are the champions of this or that minority group.

For example in the wake of the mass murder at a Jewish synagogue the Democrats and the #FakeNews media are blaming Trump and declaring how they are big supporters of Jews.

Which is a Big Lie.

It's not just a Big Lie because the attacker is on record as hating Trump because, according to the attacker, Trump is controlled by the Jews.

It's because Democrats when in power have worked hard to hurt Jews and Israel and because it's the Democrats who have endorsed violence in America not Trump.

When Democrats had power they gave Iran the atom bomb and condemned Israel.  In fact Obama toyed with demanding that Israel retreat to indefensible borders even as he was soft on Palestinian terrorism.

And don't forget that it's Democrats who have been uber friendly with Palestinian terrorist groups like the PLO and Hamas which target Jewish civilians overseas.  While Democrats might condemn the attack in the US they have no problem working with groups that murder Jews overseas.

Further the only voices calling for violence these days have been Democrats.

It's Democrats who support the use of violence to silence conservative voices that is the modus operandi of Antifa.

It's Democrats who have called for mobs to drive Republicans out of public establishments like restaurants and gas stations.

It's Democrats who have declared that the 2016 election isn't valid and that Trump must be "resisted" by whatever means possible.

It's Democrats who ignore or minimize the attempted murder of Republicans.

On the other hand under Trump the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem and Trump has shown unwavering support for Israel.

Similarly Republicans have called to an end to violence against everyone.

It's time to tell everyone you know that it's Democrat politicians and their lying propaganda arm the #FakeNews media that are the enemy of Jews not Republicans.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Democrat liar Kyrsten Sinema's real views

Project Veritas has released under cover video of Sinema and her staff talking candidly.

Sinema for example says that Arizonan voters "will actually shoot you" if you support gun bans.  She's basically saying that the people she supposedly wants to represent are murderous lunatics but she hasn't felt the need to mention that in any of her public speeches; i.e. she's lying to the voters of Arizona to get elected.

Her campaign manager told the reporters that Sinema would support an assault gun ban however so either the staffer is lying or Sinema is lying to Arizonan voters about that too.

Another staffer told the reporters that Sinema hides her progressivism from voters and that in fact Sinema is super pro-choice and very liberal.

Yet another staffer said that since a Senate term is 6 years long Sinema could be uber leftist most of the time and only have to pretend to be moderate around election time.

The simple reality is that if Sinema ran on what she really believes she'd be 20 points behind in her race for the Senate.

Leftism can't win outside of LA, SF, DC, and NYC because leftist policies hurt the vast majority of Americans and transfer power to a small ruling elite in DC.  Hence only by lying can they win elections.

Average Americans want to be able to own guns to protect themselves or for hunting but Democrats oppose that even as Democrats push for letting criminals who had guns when they committed crimes out of jail early.

Average Americans don't want everyone who can sneak across the border to have a path to citizenship like Sinema does, her only exception are those who have committed a "bad crime"--it'd be interesting to know what Sinema thinks are not bad crimes, DUI?

If you want the truth vote Republican in November.

If you want the Truth vote Republican

For the last 2 years Congressman Nunes, a real Hispanic not a fake one like Beto, has been digging up the truth about the role that Democrat operatives in the FBI and the DOJ did to help Hillary and destroy the Trump presidency.

The Democrats, the official party of liars, have fought him tooth and nail working hard to conceal the criminal activities of Democrats in government who believe that elections only count when they win.

Without Nunes we wouldn't know much of what we do know about that corruption including:

  • That the FBI got a FISA warrant to use the entire American Intelligence Community(IC) to spy on the Trump campaign based on Hillary funded opposition research from Russia
  • The anti-Trump pro-Hillary bias of key figures in the Clinton email and Mueller investigations.
  • That Democrats in government spied on Republicans using the IC by unmasking their names in communications intercepts.

But if the Republicans lose the house all that will end and the Democrats will start impeachment proceedings against Trump based on nothing more than their hatred of his policies.

Instead of investigating the malfeasance of the Democrats embedded in the government bureaucracy the Democrat congress, and the media, will laud those traitors as heroes because they "resisted" Trump even though they did so by betraying their oaths of office and by breaking the law.

If you want to know what really is going on and who is really running your life you need to vote Republican in November.

Tom Steyer Democrat liar

Billionaire Tom Steyer's organization "Need to Impeach" is running an ad on Facebook that compares Trump to Saddam Hussain, Putin, Chavez and Kin Jong Un.

The ad declares that dictatorships start with nationalism as though the vast majority of free nations didn't have nationalistic leaders. It's as though the left has forgotten that it's only very recently that leftists elites have abandoned their countries in favor of their rich colleges overseas.

What's bizarre is comparing Trump to Chavez when it's Chavez who destroyed Venezuela with the same socialism that Tom Steyer's Democrats are trying to impose on America.

And as to Un last news out of North Korea is that Trump has made significant steps in reining in Un without giving him a nuclear reactor or billions of US dollars like Bill Clinton did.

What Steyer is doing is what all Democrats are doing these days projecting.

It's Democrats who hate democracy which is why they opposed Kavanaugh. After decades of bypassing the voters and having a few rich unelected Supreme Court judges imposing Democrat policy--abortion for any reason at any time up till birth and redefining marriage for example--the Democrats are scared to death of actually having to convince the voters to support their insane anti-American policies.

Democrat support for DACA, which Obama himself said was unconstitutional, also shows that they are the ones who support tyranny not Trump.

Steyer, like his intellectual precursor Goebbels, is telling the Big Lie to confuse voters and to get them to turn over their power to the ruling elites who will in turn treat uber rich leftists like Steyer very well.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Why #FakeNews outlets are the enemy of the people

Trump is drawing heat from leftists and the Never Trump "conservatives" for saying that the #FakeNews media are the enemy of the people but Trump is 100% correct.

We know that large parts of the major media regularly distort their reporting to advance their political agenda.  Just the other day we discovered that days before Kavanaugh was confirmed NBC had news that would have drastically reduced the already low credibility of Swetnick's claims that she'd seen Kavanaugh at rape parties and decided it wasn't newsworthy.

Then of course there's the on-going Republican talk causes violence theme that's shared by the #FakeNews media.  Even though no Republican, including Trump, is in any way advocating violence they're all, according to the #FakeNews media, responsible for it because of their political positions.

It's clear that that story line is a deliberate lie given that we have real live Democrats, like Maxine Waters, calling for mobs to chase Republicans out of public spaces and lots of leftists in the media making excuses for Antifa violence.

Hence we know that a significant part of the mass media is lying to the American people in order to fool the American people into supporting their agenda.

That makes those media outlets enemies of the people.

Hitler's propagandist Joseph Goebbels was an enemy of the German people because his lies helps lead them to support evil policies. Similarly the Soviet newspaper Pravda was an enemy of the Soviet people because it lied to them day in and day out.

The value of a free press is that it provides the people with the truth so that they can exercise their God given power intelligently.  Remember in America we believe that political power flows from the people and that politicians are representatives not rulers.

But a press that covers up or forgives corroborated accusations of rape against Bill Clinton while declaring Kavanaugh guilty based on accounts with no credibility is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the Democrat party.

If someone you consider a friend and hence trustworthy repeatedly lies to you about very important things which result in you suffering greatly you will no longer consider them a friend but rather an enemy who is interested in hurting you.

That's the situation in America today.  The Washington Post is right; Democracy does die in darkness and it's the #FakeNews media who are turning out the lights by spreading dark lies and doing all they can to make sure that the people don't have the truth.  That makes the media outlets that lie to the people the enemy of the people.

California; the best argument for voting Republican in November

We're often told that California is the wave of the future; what's going on in California today will be coming to the rest of the Union soon.

With Democrats having complete control of California for some time, there are two Democrats and no Republicans running for the open Senate seat for example, what's happening in California today is a perfect example of what Democrats in general will bring to your neighborhood if they win in November.

First we all know how much Democrats say they care for the poor. They show it by making sure there are lots of poor people. If you doubt that just note that while California has 12% of the US population it has 34% of the US's welfare recipients.  

We constantly hear about how Democrats care about the homeless.  Yet all the big cities in California--including San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles-- have massive homeless populations.  Despite the $241,000,000 a year that SF spends on the homeless problem there are more and more people living on the streets.

Perhaps that's due to the insane costs of housing in California.  A 1300 sq ft house can go for >$2,000,000 and a single bedroom apartment can run you $1700 a month, and that's not in SF itself where a single bedroom apartment runs, on average, $3334/month.

All those peoples living on the streets has led to so much human poop on sidewalks that there is an app for that; the app lets you report human feces you see to the city.  If you want to plan a poop free stroll through SF you can go here where there is a poop map.  Sadly it's not updated in real time so when you walk in SF you literally have to keep your head down.

The poop and the general unsanitary condition of the homeless lead to serious public health issues such as Hepatitis A outbreaks in San Diego and other California cities like Los Angeles.

The good news is that compared to all the used needles that are on the street the poop might not be the biggest health risk.

The time is coming when SF and other cities won't be able to wash the poop away.  Because California hasn't increased its water storage capacity since the 1970s even though the state’s population has gone from 25,000,000 in 1982 to 40,000,000 today the ruling Democrats have passed a law mandating permanent water rationing even when California isn't experiencing a drought.  Because "environmentalists" view dams and other water storage techniques as bad and the Democrats are nothing if not environmentally conscious, no oil platforms spoiling the views from their beachfront mansions, the only solution in the minds of Democrats is to force people to live with less water.

Here's how California's water use breaks down; 50% for the environment, 40% for farming, and 10% for cities.  Even in the middle of the drought and written in stone via the new and tightening water use laws passed by the Democrats half of all the fresh water available to California is used for environmental purposes.  Of course for the rich Silicon Valley and LA elites there are ways around water rationing so the Democrat base will stay happy.  They don't care that cutting off water for farmers throws farm workers, who are mostly minorities, out of jobs.

Keeping that wealthy base happy is absolutely critical to California.  The top 1% income earners in California account for 48% of the state’s revenues.  If just a few thousand people decided to leave California for say a state where they don't pay 13.3% state tax on top of their Federal taxes the state would collapse.  

Which is why Democrats are desperately trying to figure out how to let the rich in California cheat on their Federal taxes.  As part of the Republican tax reduction plan deductions for State taxes were capped at $10,000.  Given that only the uber rich would pay anywhere near that much even in highly taxed states like California one would think that Democrats would love it. Instead they're trying to find ways for rich Californians to avoid it. 

Trump is working hard to prevent State sponsored tax cheating.  If he succeeds those mega wealthy folk who California depends on might ponder moving to other states with less rip off the rich attitudes.  Note that California Democrats aren't trying to reduce the tax load only make sure that they get more of taxpayer’s money and the Federal government gets less.

But at least we can know that the Democrats are being financially responsible right?  Wrong.  The state has a deficit in funding for public pensions ranging between $247,000,000,000 and $992,000,000,000 depending on how rosy a financial projection for future growth in the US economy is used.  Yes you read that right; California could be nearly a trillion dollars in the hole on its pension obligations.

Like Democrats in general however California Democrats aren't worried about that because by the time the pensions of all those California public employees dry up the current crop of California Democrats will be no longer running for office and hence will have no need to buy votes using the taxpayers money.

The Democrats have also shown that they don't care about mundane things like maintaining the California infrastructure. California should be spending about $77,000,000,000 to fix its aging infrastructure.

Instead they're concentrating on things that really matter like providing free lawyers for illegals.  That's right the 2018 California budget includes $10,000,000 for lawyers to fight deportation of illegals. Another $1,600,000 will go to establish an office of eight attorneys and investigators to carry out the new California law that requires employers to notify illegal employees of upcoming immigration actions.

The Democrat vision of a borderless country where anyone who can wander in will get welfare for life is being tried in California. In addition to being a sanctuary state, note that only illegals who commit more crimes once they're in the US benefit from sanctuary cities or states, California welcomes illegals with open arms.  Illegals get state subsidized tuition at California colleges even though they presumably don't pay the state’s high state income tax rates. Even better from a Democrat perspective illegals are actually stealing slots at California colleges from the children of real US citizens.  Because of the subsidies there are only so many slots available in California public colleges. Every illegal who gets in is keeping one child of actual US citizens out.

Sadly some critical things, like providing free medical care and tax breaks to illegals, didn't make it into the budget but the Democrat candidate for Governor Gavin Newsom, you know the guy who had an affair with his assistant who happened to be the wife of a close associate but it's not a #MeToo thing because he's a Democrat like Clinton, says that he'll provide medical care for everyone in California including illegals.

Newsom is showing some uncharacteristic fiscal constraint for a Democrat.  Instead of supporting the full $64,000,000,000 high speed train from SF to LA he's for a limited yet massively expensive plan to make a high-speed train that runs from the San Joaquin Valley to the SF Bay Area so Silicon Valley workers can live in the Fresno and commute to the Bay area.  Which means the state as a whole is subsidizing Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and Google to the tune of billions of dollars.  But then that's the Democrats vision; give your buddies who are censoring conservative speech all the money they want.

The money Newsom "saves" by building a smaller train that no one will use won't make a dent in his $400,000,000,000 plan to provide health care for all Californians and all illegals.  Aside from the fact that the California government hasn't show any ability to efficiently run anything there is the small problem that Newsom would have to raise taxes by $50,000,000,000 to pay for it.

The Democrats in California have released criminals early and have made felonies into misdemeanors. As a result violent crime, and crime in general, has gone up. This is a standard Democrat view of the world though; every time higher incarceration rates leads to lower crime rates Democrats express shock.

And of course the California Democrats are all for raising taxes; they just massively increased the gas tax which translates into the average California family giving an additional $650-$800 to the ruling Democrats.  What's odd is that while a gasoline tax is highly regressive, it has a much more significant impact on the poor than on the rich, Democrats who are supposedly champions of the poor are all for it.

California Democrats have shown us the true Democrat vision for America:
  • Massive overspending government
  • Open borders
  • Soft on criminals
  • Taking away your doctors and your medical insurance
  • Creating lots of poor people
  • #MeToo only applies to conservative offenders; Bill Clinton champions women
  • Government of the rich, for the rich, and by the rich
  • Unaffordable housing and an exploding homeless population
  • Raising taxes on the poor so that the rulers can spend even more of the people's money

No sane person wants the rest of the US to follow California down the rat hole that the Democrats have made.  But that's where we're all headed if we turn the reins of power over to the Democrats in November.

Democrats blame Trump for anti-semitism while they support groups that kill Jews overseas

We should all condemn the racist, anti-Semitic assault on the Tree of Life synagogue.

But we shouldn't be blind to what the Democrat's response to the attack says about them.

By blaming President Trump for the actions of the killer who hatesTrump because he believes that Trump is "controlled by the Jews" Biden is lying to try and fool voters.  While Biden doesn't mention Trump by name Biden does say that the environment that led to the shooting includes "physical threats against the press" and " all-out campaign of fear directed at immigrants" both of which are common charges leveled against Trump by the left.  The fact that Biden doesn't mention the sending of the highly lethal bio toxin ricin to Republicans, the attempted murder of Republicans, or Maxine Water's calls for mobs to drive Republicans out of public spaces as examples of hate being on the march in America shows that in his mind hate only comes from those he disagrees with.

To deliberately try and blame Trump who has shown not the slightest strain of anti-Semitism  for such a vile incident is clear proof of Biden's, and the other leftists who have agreed with him, total lack of moral principles. To cheapen the blood of those innocent Jews who were butchered for partisan gain shows us that the left cares more for power than for honesty or basic human decency.

The Democrat's double standard becomes obvious when we realize that when leftists have tried to murder Republicans Democrats have put the blame on the Republicans for their political stands while simultaneously ignoring the calls to violence and the hate speech that constantly emanates from #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians like Maxine Waters.

The Democrat's response to the vile assault on the Tree of Life synagogue tells us that for them all that matters is gaining more power by any means and any lies that work.

The second way that the Democrat's reaction to this evil assault reveals their hypocrisy is that they support organizations which regularly attack innocent Jews overseas.

The Democrats are strong supporters of Hamas and the PLO--both of which call for the destruction of Israel-- even though both groups are responsible for many terrorist attacks on innocent Jewish citizens of Israel.

In 2017 34 Israeli's were killed in terrorist attacks, more than 3 time the number who were killed at Tree of Life, yet Democrats are more likely to attack Israel for its retaliation strikes than they are to condemn the Palestinians for the attacks.

The Democrats gave Iran billions of dollars even while they knewthat at least some of that money would be used for terrorism; with Israeli Jews being a likely target.

Democrats condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out while attacking Israel whenever Israel defends itself against Palestinian terrorists.

It's good that the Democrats condemn the vile murders of innocent Jews in the US.  But it's a reflection on the true nature of the modern Democrat party that they are comfortable with the execution of innocent Jews in Israel.

Good people can disagree about whether the state of Israel should have been established but good people cannot support its destruction and the mass murder of its Jewish citizens.

Good people can disagree about what a fair deal for the Palestinians is but good people can't support the use of terrorism, violence directed not against the military or politicians but against innocent women and children, to achieve that fair deal.

It's clear that Democrat politicians are not good people in this context.

That Democrat politicians are more comfortable condemning Israel than condemning those who call for genocide against Jews and the destruction of Israel tells us what Democrats really think about Jews.

By falsely blaming Trump and by ignoring the murder of Jews overseas Democrats have demonstrated that their real concern isn't about anti-Semitism or ending the killing of Jews but about how they can turn the deaths of innocent Jews to their advantage.

 feel free to follow Tom on Twitter.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The lack of indictments of Obama's officials is an indictment of Obama

Obama is boasting that no one in his administration was indicted.  What he's really telling us is that he destroyed the rule of law and put his people above the law.

We know that the Obama administration was amazingly dishonest and corrupt.

From intentionally weaponizing the IRS to deny tax deductible status to conservative organizations to secret meetings between Bill Clinton and the Attorney General when Hillary was under investigation for her mishandling of classified data there are a multitude of clear violations of the law by Obama's officials.

Yet none were indicted.

That tells us that Obama had corrupted the DOJ itself so that his officials could do pretty much anything and get away with it.

Which is in turn an indictment of Obama himself.  Obama once said he wished he could rule the US the way the communist dictators run China.  Apparently destroying the rule of law and putting his officials above the law was one step toward Obama's dream.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Left hates freedom of speech; European Union preview edition

We've all heard the left extolling the European approach to "free speech" as well as European socialism and pretty much everything else European.

The recently leaked briefing from Google, entitled "Good Censorship", endorsing censorship saying that all the tech platforms have moved to the European model which “favors dignity over liberty and civility over freedom.” .

Which means that if the left, i.e. Democrats, get power in November they will do everything they can to let Google, Facebook, Twitter et al get away with implementing European model censorship programs.

Even worse Democrats have shown a stunning disdain for free speech in general. Instead they seem to have bought into the belief that speech they don't like is "hate" speech and that "hate" speech is equivalent to physical violence and as such should be limited by the government.

Today we are blessed with a stunning example of what the Democrats want for America.  The European Court of Human Rights has declared that criticism Islam is not protected free speech.

The case involves a brave Austrian woman pointing out that according to Muslims Mohammad married a six year old girl but waited until she was nine years old to have sex with her.  That woman correctly said that that made Mohammad a child molester.

But the EU Human Rights Commission, which should really start looking for a new name like the EU  Peasants Obligation Commission, has declared that pointing out the truth about Muhammad "goes beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate".

That's right the EU Human Rights Commission said that Europeans don't have the right to speak the truth if that truth hurts someone's religious feelings.

Well perhaps not everyone's religious feelings.  For example it would be unwise to bet on when the same Commission will rule that saying that most Catholic priests molests children isn't free speech even though that claim is not true; only about 4% of the priests in America have been accused for example.

Catholics aren't calling for even non-true statements about our faith to be punishable in court but the European left, which American Democrats adore, is saying that telling the truth about Islam is verboten.

If Democrats get power you can be sure that they'll act on calls by leftists to criminalize disagreeing with the scientifically invalid claims of Global Climate change.

They'll also do all they can to ensure that Christians are forced to provide services to gay "weddings", that Trump gets impeached for his tweets, and that anyone who says that men can't wish themselves into women will get jail time.

If you want to maintain the First Amendment you must vote against Democrats in the upcoming election.

The media admits that the Democrats have a violence problem.

In the news industry there's a phrase, "man bites dog story", that describes news events that go counter to expectations.

For example there are lots of cases where dogs bite people but it's rare that a person bites a dog. Since  news is about getting readers the media covers the unusual story more that it covers the more mundane ones.

We're seeing that the media is really going to town covering the unsuccessful attempt by a clearly disturbed Trump supporter while at the same time pretty much ignoring most of the 613 cases of violence by Democrats against Republicans.

Which means that a "violent"--though he didn't actually hurt anyone unlike the guy who nearly killed Steve Scalise--"Republican"--who blamed Bush for 9/11-- is the man bites dog story.

That in turn tells us that the #FakeNews media is either admitting that Democrats have a violence problem because they believe that Democrat violence problems are so common that they won't interest their readers or they're admitting that they cover up violence against Republicans because it's so common that the #FakeNews media knows that if people find out about it they'll be less likely to vote Democrat.

Either way the message is clear; Republican violence is rare while Democrat violence is common.

That's not surprising given that Democrat party leaders are calling for mobs to drive Republicans out of restaurants and gas stations.  It's not surprising given that Democrats have been calling Republicans Nazis for years while simultaneously saying that Antifa violence against real Nazis is either ok or understandable.

But it's good to be able to show voters that the actions of the #FakeNews media show us that they know that Democrats use violence and that they really don't think that's such a bad thing because that makes our claims of media bias more credible.

Take aways from the mad Republican bomber story

It turns out that the guy who sent the bombs to Democrats wasn't a Democrat; well at least not entirely a Democrat.

He believed that Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks so he certainly wasn't a mainstream Republican but he was a Trump fan.

The #FakeNews media and the Democrats are blaming Trump and Republicans for the bombings even though everyone on the right condemned them.

Let's contrast how this story of violence is being covered with how the on going and pervasive violence used by the left is being portrayed by Democrats and the media and see what lessons we can learn about what the #FakeNews media is saying about political violence.

When Steve Scalise was nearly murdered by a Bernie fan no one, Republican or Democrat, blamed Bernie yet now the Democrats are all claiming Trump is responsible for the latest bombing.  Yet neither Bernie nor Trump made any direct calls for violence.

Similarly when Antifa uses violence to shut down speech they don't like Democrats either say that yes violence is ok in those circumstances or issue some less than compelling disagreement.  Yet no one in the #FakeNews media blames the Democrats for Antifa violence.

Lesson 1: When Democrats use violence it's not their fault it's the fault of the evil Republicans who deserve to be attacked.

The number of violent events by Republicans is very small; you could count them on the fingers of one hand.  On the other hand you'd need a lot of extra digits to count the number of acts of violence or threats of violence done by Democrats; Brietbart has a list of 613 examples of violence by Democrats for example.

But the #FakeNews media generally ignores or downplays stories about Democrat violence.  The attempted murder of Steve Scalise and other Republicans was out of the news cycle within days even as it wasn't clear if Steve would survive.  Similarly when Republican congressional candidate Rudy Peters was nearly murdered most Americans never heard about it.

Lesson 2: When anyone who is can be considered even marginally right wing is violent it's a man bites dog story which must be covered extensively, when a Democrat uses violence it's so common that it's not newsworthy.

When violence does happen Republicans immediately condemn it but Democrats take a more nuanced approach.  Democrats seem to be comfortable with the idea of using intimidation and threats as part of the political process though, to be fair, Democrat politicians do say that murder isn't ok.

For example key Democrats like Maxine Waters have called for mobs to harass Republicans in public places.

Eric Swallwell, Rudy Peter's Democrat opponent, did condemn the attempt to murder Rudy though he did go on to tweet that he had no sympathy for Susan Collins getting death threats.

Yet the #FakeNews media says that it's the Republicans who condemn violence who are the problem while declaring that the Democrats aren't in any way responsible due to their explicit support for mobs and their, somewhat, tacit support for Antifa violence.

Lesson 3: Democrats supporting mobs and not condemning violence doesn't lead to violence but saying bad, i.e. conservative things, makes Republicans responsible for violence.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

What about those bomb targets? Kinda odd don't you think?

First we must echo Trump and all other conservatives and Republicans and condemn the sending of bombs, even non-working ones, to leftists.

We can't be like the left which blamed Republican Congressman Steve Scalise for being nearly murdered by a Democrat since the left said that Scalise held bad positions on political issues.

As of now the following people have been the targets of the latest bombing spree:

De Niro
Wasserman Schultz
Time Warner(?)

While these are all Trump critics they are also not folks who the Bernie and radical left are that keen on.

Obama and Hillary are both viewed as having cheated to deny Bernie, the darling of the Democrat base, from getting the nomination.

Soros is old school money and a big capitalist.

Brennen is former head of the CIA so obviously a lackey of the evil government.

De Niro is an old white guy.

Wasserman Schultz conspired to keep Bernie from getting the nomination for president.

Holder is expendable and he's only recently embraced violence.

Waters is Black and we know that Democrats don't care about Blacks dying since they don't care about the thousands of Blacks shot in Chicago each year.

Biden is an old white guy who might challenge Bernie in 2020--yeah Bernie is an old white guy too but he's beloved by the left.

CNN is insanely liberal but a bomb wouldn't put them off the air for good.

Basically of the targets only possibly CNN, Holder, Waters, and De Niro might be people that leftist extremists wouldn't want to hurt.

Further everyone knows that all the people on the list have people who screen their incoming mail; it's very unlikely for example that Obama would be the first person to open an envelope from anyone. Hence a false flag operation, leftists who wanted to make conservatives look violent, could send bombs to these people pretty secure in the knowledge that while some flunkies might be hurt, a small price to pay for winning the House in their minds, the famous lefties wouldn't be.

Or perhaps they wanted to make some martyrs for the cause; "vote Democrat for the poor dead George Soros".

But the nature of the devices creates doubt about whether any actual damage was intended.  Yes they contained fireworks powder but it's unclear if they could actually explode.

According to at least one source the bombs had no detonation mechanism.  But even if we assume that that's wrong there are significant questions about the bomb design.

Some sources say that the bombs had timers but that makes little sense.

Using a timer would be stupid in this case given that the bombs didn't detonate near to the time they were delivered and hence the chances of someone opening the envelope and seeing it was a bomb would be high. But if the bomb was identified then people would be evacuated and the damage minimized--which would make sense only if the intent wasn't to actually hurt anyone.

So it's far from unlikely that some leftists would try a false flag operation using bombs that weren't real or wouldn't likely hurt their supposed targets.

If a real conservative was trying to tilt the election they'd have targeted Democrats in close races, especially in the Senate, so that Republicans would win those contests.

After all the vilification of Trump is no worse now than it's been for the last two years so why would a conservative bomber strike now?

On the other hand from the Democrat perspective this targeting is great since it allows them to pretend that both sides are violent.

It'll be interesting to see who actually sent these "bombs" but it wouldn't be surprising if it were just one more fake hate crime by leftists.

A Democrat dog whistle

Leftists are constantly saying that Republicans are secretly sending out messages to their followers expressing their racist beliefs.

The left calls these dog whistles--because only Republicans can hear them.

The problem is that what Democrats refer to as dog whistles do not in fact have any hidden meaning. The most absurd example of this was the claims that making a circle shape by touching a finger to a thumb was a white power dog whistle.

We know it's absurd because everybody uses that gesture to signify ok and given that there are photos of Oprah using the gesture with two hands and Bill Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and Hillary making the gesture with one hand.

But now we have a real example of a dog whistle; Hillary Clinton's call for incivility until the Democrats regain power.

To normal people incivility means being rude but the incivility that Hillary is referring to includes mobs targeting Republicans, attempted assassinations of Republicans like Steve Scalise and Rudy Peters, violence against Republican property, and fantasies about Trump being assassinated the real message that she's pushing is that the violence won't stop unless the people give the Democrats power.

This is no surprise given that the Democrats have been tweeting about assassinating Trump since he won as well as quietly accepting the use of violence by Antifa to silence conservative voices.

The Democrat party is going back to it's roots, remember the Democrats founded the KKK and used violence against Blacks in the South for decades, and using violence to win what it can't win at the ballot box.

Democrats fantasize about murdering Trump; blame him for "toxic" environment

With the possible false flag bomb scare story dominating the news the left is coming out in force to declare that it's all Trump's fault.

Even when Trump called for national unity and condemned all violence the Democrats demanded that he stop criticizing them since any criticism of them is, in their minds, a call to violence.

When Democrats have attacked Republicans, from the attempted murder of Steve Scalise to the ricin sent to Susan Collins, the #FakeNews media and the Democrats have blamed the victims for daring to  say things that Democrats don't like to hear.

Further the #FakeNews media constantly assume that mass shooters or other agents of violence are conservative when they're not and when the attackers turn out to be Democrats the media do their best to hide that just as if a news story about a Democrat is bad the media rarely mentions their party.

But now before we know who sent the possibly fake bombs to Democrats not only are the Democrats assuming the sender is a Republican but they're declaring that it's the fault of Trump for daring to diss the Democrat agenda.

What makes this amazingly dishonest is that it's Democrats who have been calling for political violence for years.  While sane people didn't think that Obama's comment about bringing a gun to a knife fight was an actual call to violence Democrats today are calling far less violent comments by Republicans as incitements to violence.  Given that Democrats ranging from Hillary to Booker have in fact called for "incivility", a Democrat dog whistle for violence and intimidation, it's the height of projection and hypocrisy for the Democrats to accuse Trump of inciting violence.

To make the Democrats position even more unbelievable is the long term Democrat interest in assassinating president Trump.

Just the other day the New York Times published a work of fiction which extolled the assassination of President Trump by the Secret Service.

Of course this isn't the first time that the NYT has been enthused about killing Trump. Back in 2016 NYT columnist Ross Douthat joked about Trump's campaign ending with an assassination attempt.

Then of course there was the real attempt to kill Trump by a clinically insane leftist who hated Trump because of Trump's supposed racism.  The fact that he was insane doesn't mitigate the fact that his reasons for wanting to kill Trump were the lies about Trump's racism pushed by the #FakeNews media and the Democrats.

As a result of Trump winning the 2016 election there was a flood of tweets calling for his assassination.  Common sense tells us that those tweets were by Democrats.  After Trump was sworn in there were more than 12,000 tweets calling for his assassination.

And who can forget the great "art" that Kathy Griffen produced where she was holding Trump's severed head?  While even Democrats condemned her action she's since been rehabilitated.

The simple reality we face is that while Democrats cheer the use of violence by Antifa to silence conservative voices and mobs who publicly intimidate Republicans are held up as examples of our First Amendment rights--which to Democrats don't protect bakers who don't want to be part of a gay "wedding"-- it's Republicans who have been the victims of real violence.

None of the bombs came anywhere near their targets, none exploded.  That they were sent is horrible especially if they turn out to be real as opposed to fakes.  But given the minimal coverage the #FakeNews has given to actual violence against Republicans and the Democrats incessant calls to violence the truth is that it's not Trump who is the problem it's Democrats.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

According to Democrats biowarfare is no big deal but bombs are

Last week when a letter containing the deadly biotoxin ricin was mailed to Senator Collins no one on the left blamed Democrats for either their support of violence in general, or their hysterical claims about how horrible it was that Collins voted for Kavanaugh.

Yet today we see leftists condemning President Trump for the bombs sent to various Democrats even though Trump has never said that Republicans should harass Democrats the way Pelosi, Waters, and Booker have told Democrats to harass and intimidate Republicans.

Nor has Trump showed support for violent right wing groups the way that Democrats have applauded or at worst lightly objected to the violent left wing neo-fascist group Antifa.

This is just another example of the amazing double standard that the #FakeNews media and the Democrats employ.  Every attack on Republicans by Democrats, such as the attempted murder of Congressman Scalise, is really the fault of the victim in spite of the fact that Democrats are constantly saying that Republicans are racist Nazis and that Democrats support violence by their followers.

But every attack on a Democrat is due not to the attacker but to the Republicans who have consistently condemned violence; for example pro-lifers have universally condemned those who attack abortionists.

The reality is that the current Democrat party is the party of violence and they are responsible for inciting violence while the Republican party repudiates violence.

There's violence and then there's violence; Democrat double standards

A number of left wing individuals and organizations have been mailed bombs in the last couple of days.

That's horrible and we all have to condemn any threat of violence.

Assuming for a moment that the bombs, which--thanks be to God--haven't hurt anyone, aren't being sent by Democrats with the intention of generating sympathy for leftists we need to reiterate the constant and long term condemnation of violence that conservatives have been known for.

When evil people committed violence against abortionists the entire pro-life and conservative movement condemned them.

Just as President Trump and everyone on the right is condemning these recent bomb attempts.

But while we do that it's a good thing to note the contrast in how conservatives and leftists react to violence.

When Republican Steve Scalise was almost murdered by a leftist many on the left said he deserved to be shot.  Even though it wasn't clear for a long time if Scalise would survive the media moved on from the story within days.

When Antifa used violence to silence speech they didn't like in Berkley and elsewhere the left said it was great.

When a Democrat tried to murder Republican Congressional candidate Rudy Peters the story was mentioned and then ignored by the media.

When a Democrat tried to murder the staff at the Family Research Council(FRC) because the SPLC said the group was "anti-gay"--because the group opposes redefining marriage-- left wing groups attacked the FRC and defended the SPLC labeling the group a hate group.

When two Republicans in Minnesota were recently physically assaulted by Democrats the #FakeNews media basically ignored the story.

The stories are all the same; actual violence that results in serious injury to conservatives is the fault of conservatives for saying things that leftists don't like.

With this new bomb story however what we are seeing and probably will continue to see is that the left and the #FakeNews media will blame Trump and conservatives in general.  No one in the #FakeNews media will suggest that the ultra leftist policies of the people who were targeted, but who didn't get so much as a scratch,  had anything to do with the bombs which is correct; no matter how hateful one's speech is that doesn't justify violence.

Unfortunately the left actually believes that violence is acceptable so long as it's used against their political opponents.  That's why real violence against conservatives is excused by the #FakeNews media and people who have never once advocated violence are blamed for the violence of leftists.

While leftists feel perfectly comfortable talking about how conservatives are racists, homophobes, Nazi's, misogynists, and killers of women they declare that Trump saying that the lying #FakeNews media lies is an excuse for left wing violence.

This is just more proof that the choice in the upcoming election is really Jobs or Mobs; Hillary Clinton said it best when she threatened that the Democrats would continue to be uncivil--which has included violence--until they are given power.

Today's Democrat politicians and activists are nothing more than modern versions of the Nazi's whose Brown Shirted thugs roamed the streets using violence to gain political power.  While modern Democrats aren't interested in the mass murder of Jews, only of unborn minorities, they use the same fascist tactics that Hitler did.

When you talk to people about the bombs condemn them and the person who sent them unequivocally.  But also point out the massive amount of Democrat violence that the #FakeNews media has been hiding from voters and how Democrats have justified violence against conservatives by saying that conservative speech is hateful.

Democrat candidates you should know: The one who married her brother as part of a fraud

This story has been around for a long time but since she's about to be elected to Congress it's taken on  new importance.

There is extensive evidence that Democrat Ilhan Omar married her own brother when she was also married to the father of her children.  She did so not because she actually lived with him but to support some sort of fraud.

While Omar has decried the charges she has refused to identify just who her first husband was.

But the fact that she's a Somali Muslim means that in the eyes of the Democrat party she can do no wrong.

The candidates they select tell us a lot about the Democrat party.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The dishonesty of the left

I'm currently engaging in a discussion with a leftist on Facebook.  What's interesting is that he's telling me that Antifa isn't radical and that it doesn't support violence.  He does admit that there are some radical members of Antifa however.

I went to Wikipedia, which tends to lean left due to the nature of modern leftists, where it states:

The principal feature of antifa groups is their use of direct action,[10] harassing those whom they deem to be fascists, racists and right wing extremists.[11] Conflicts are both online and in real life.[11]
They engage in varied protest tactics, which include digital activism [12] property damage and physical violence.[7][13][14][15] They tend to be anti-capitalist[16] and they are predominantly far-leftand militant left,[17][10] which includes anarchistscommunists and socialists.[18][19][20][21] Their stated focus is on fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than politically.[10]

The leftist I'm conversing with is either being dishonest or is so completely ignorant of how Antifa behaves that he can honestly believe they don't support violence.
Sadly I think dishonesty is the answer because he also says that it's obvious that Trump is a racist. When I asked him to give me examples he talked about Charlottesville.
I pointed out to him that Trump's initial statement was based on the news reports which had said that in addition to the white racists there were a number of people who just didn't want the statues taken down.  When it turned out that there were few of that group present Trump amended his statement.
Instead of discussing that the leftist just hurled personal insults at me.
The best way to fight these lies is to proclaim the truth.  We don't need to respond to leftist violence with violence but we do need to respond to their lies with the truth so that voters won't be fooled by the #FakeNews lies.

Prepare for the October Surprise

For those of you who aren't political aficionado's, i.e. real average Americans, an "October Surprise" is some bit of news or fiction that seriously hurts a candidate and that is released so close to an election that the candidate doesn't have time to change people's minds.

It's essentially an underhanded tool since unless the people who release the information only acquired it in October they were sitting on it and intentionally released it late to prevent the target from defending herself.

The most recent "October Surprise" didn't happen in October; the Ford accusations against Kavanaugh.  They were released after the hearings were over after being sat on for months by the Democrats.  They fell apart under scrutiny but the clear intent was that they would derail Kavanaugh before his supporters could demonstrate that the charges just weren't credible.

If Kavanaugh had been up for election he wouldn't have had time to show that Ford's charges weren't credible which is the whole purpose of the "October Surprise".

With Democrats hell bent on getting power and demonstrating support for anything, including violence, that will give them power it's not unreasonable to think that they will unleash a #FakeNews Hail Mary play right before the election.

We need to be ready to tell everyone we know why whatever gets released is bogus to prevent another Democrat Big Lie from impacting the election.

Here are a few of the possible Big Lie's that the Democrats could go with:

1) Mueller concludes that Trump didn't actually do anything wrong but writes his report in such a way as to make it appear that Trump did do something wrong.

2) The train of illegal invaders are stopped at the border but since they lead with women and children and they are willing to use violence some innocent people are hurt.  The Democrats and the media will label the Republicans as monsters because they won't let thousands of young men enter the US illegally.

3) The Democrats, who are cool with the murders of the Iranian regime, try and portray Trump as a monster because he doesn't cut off all US interaction with Saudi Arabia because they killed a subversive Islamist.

4) The Democrats produce some anonymous claims about Trump being mentally unfit.

5) The Democrats produce some former paramour of Trump who claims he assaulted her.

While things are appearing to look better for Republicans in the upcoming election we have to remember we're fighting a party that has adopted the Nazi tactic of armed thugs attacking political opponents, Antifa, and the Communist tactic of censoring speech that they don't like, Google et al, so we need to be prepared to counter whatever lies the Democrats might spew just before the election.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The new face of the Democrat party; Kyrsten Sinema who says that stay at home moms are leeches

In Arizona Kyrsten Sinema is avoiding mentioning that she's a Democrat in her campaign ads which shows that she's eager to lie to the people she supposedly wants to represent.

Of course if you're a Democrat you can't run on your positions on issues because who, other than rich Californians and New Yorkers, get fired up about having their taxes raised, allowing anyone who can get across the border welfare for life, or declaring that abortion is a great thing that women should be happy about.

But even for Democrats Sinema has an amazing list of past positions:

She compared stay at home mom's to leeches; way to attack women Kyrsten!

She compared the deaths of American soldiers who died liberating Iraq to the deaths of  illegals who die trying to sneak into the US.

She said she had no objection to Americans going over to join the Taliban.

She said “They are okay with weapons and property destruction in some instances, and so those of us who chose to attend the event knew that it would be inappropriate to ask someone to not destroy property or to carry a weapon.” which means she is cool with violence though she wouldn't be violent herself.

She sponsored events featuring Lynn Stewart who was convicted of helping Islamic terrorists, though she had only been arrested but not convicted when Sinema worked with her.

She said that Arizonans were "crazy" while she was talking to Democrats in Texas and while she was a state senator in Arizona.

This is the new Democrat party which supports terrorism, hates mothers, mocks US soldiers who die for their country, and which clearly thinks the people they want to vote for them are insane.

If you don't want this sort of person in the Senate send her opponent, a veteran and a great conservative, Martha McSally some money to offset all the free support the left wing media is giving Sinema.

Thousands of invaders are approaching the US demanding that we give them stuff

We know that the thousands of illegals to be aren't refugee's because if they were fleeing violence they'd just stop in Mexico.  No they want all the goodies that being in America brings.

They're selfish people because there are 1,300,000 honest Mexicans, and hundreds of thousands of honest people from other Central American countries, patiently waiting in line to enter the US legally yet these people think that they have the right to skip to the front of the line.

Why aren't they protesting in their own countries for less corrupt governments or more efficient economies?

The reality is that America can't provide welfare for life for everyone in the world who wants it and that illegals drive down wages and steal jobs from US citizens, many of whom are legal immigrants.

The left supports these illegals because they vote Democrat either because they vote illegally or because they're counted by the census which defines how many seats in the House each state gets so the more illegals the more seats in the House.

When thousands of people march on another country and demand that that country take them in and give them things that's not a refugee caravan that's an invading army. They're hiding behind women and children but the reality is that they are invaders who declare that they have a right to what is ours, that they have a right to drive down wages for Black Americans, that they have a right to welfare for life or that they have a right to our jobs.

It's time to just say no to those dishonest invaders.

Saudi Arabia can execute gays for being gay and the left doesn't care

In Saudi Arabia the law allows for the execution of gay men.  That has been the case for a long time and yet the left which is incensed over the apparent killing of a Islamist contributor to the Washington Post haven't suggested that that should cause the US to not work with Saudi Arabia.

Just as those leftists feel that the totalitarian tactics of Iran, which include murdering opponents, should have no impact on our relationship with Iran.

The Khashoggi affair isn't about leftists actually caring about brutal state tactics; it's just another way for them to attack Trump.

Lawyers; even leftists can't trust them

A complaint against Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers has been filed with the Board of Professional Responsibility in DC.

In her testimony to the Senate Ford said that she didn't know that the Republicans had offered to send a woman to California to question Ford so that Ford wouldn't have to go to DC and testify in public.

But it's a matter of public record that the Republicans reached out to her, through her lawyers, multiple times offering precisely that.

There are two possibilities here; either Ford lied under oath or her lawyers didn't communicate the Republicans offer to her.

The complaint assumes that Ford wasn't lying and that the her Democrat activists lawyers hid the truth from her because the Democrats in the Senate wanted a public hearing.  That makes sense given the political beliefs of the lawyers and the fact that her public testimony established her credibility in the minds of many Americans.

On the other hand we know that Ford lied about being unable to fly so perhaps she was lying again to avoid looking like a manipulative person who was trying to get sympathy for having to fly to DC. After all if she didn't have to fly to DC but she chose to do so there's no reason to feel sorry for her because she didn't want to go to DC.

If Ford lied that would tend to make her credibility doubtful at best.

If Ford didn't lie then it means that the Democrats used her without any concern for her "victim" status to further their own political ends.  That, in conjunction with how Democrat #MeToo cases are treated by Democrats, would make it clear that Democrats don't give a darn about women who have been sexually assaulted beyond their utility in giving Democrats more power.