However keep in mind that Barr compared Jarret not to an ape but to intelligent beings who are superior to humans, the smart apes took the planet away from humans and then enslaved the humans after all.
None the less some level of punishment is clearly appropriate.
The problem is that when leftists say Trump is literally insane or mock his hair etc they are not punished but applauded. Similarly nothing Barr said is as remotely racist as what Louis Farrakhan says about whites but it's considered ok for Black Congressmen to meet with Farrakhan.
As with many issues the problem isn't a conservative being punished but the fact that if a leftist had done the same thing they would not have been punished.
In a country where there are courses taught in colleges about how white people are all evil the massive retaliation for one comment which Barr has apologized for seems disproportionate.
That doesn't mean that Barr shouldn't be condemned for her remark but it would seem that given that she has apologized she should be forgiven.
After all when famous atheists Dawkins defended "mild" pedophilia he was immediately attacked, and rightly so, even by leftists. Even though he didn't immediately apologize when he did he was readmitted to the ranks of ok people by the left.
To sane people it would seem that comparing someone's appearance to an intelligent monkey is less offensive than defending child molestation and hence those people are probably asking why we don't condemn what Barr said but accept her apology?