In the classic work of
fiction “1984” by George Orwell one way the rulers kept the masses under
control was by redefining words to have meanings totally at odds with what
those word really meant; freedom is slavery for example.
Today the Supreme
Court ruled that the phrase " exchanges established by the States"
means "exchanges established by the States or any other organization,
group, or individual including aliens and the Federal Government".
Justice Scalia nailed
it when he wrote in the dissenting opinion:
"Words no longer
have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is
"established by a State""
Why did Big Brother
have to resort to changing words? Because Obamacare is so bad that it could
never be amended by the Congress without being totally changed.
In one brief shining
moment Obama had total power in America with the Democrats controlling the
House and the Senate and he used that instant to ram through a law that the
people hated.
As a result of the
peoples hatred for Obamacare the Democrats lost the house, and eventually the
Now when faced with clear and insurmountable problems with Obamacare Obama
can't use the Democratic--as opposed to Democrat which involves smoke filled
back rooms and bribes paid with taxpayer dollars--process to fix those issues.
Instead he must unilaterally change the law in direct violation of the
executive branch's Constitutional authority.
The role of the
Supreme Court is to prevent such unconstitutional actions.
In America, as opposed to Oceania, when a law has problems it has to go to the
people representatives to be changed.
In the Supreme Court’s Oceania what Obama wants Obama gets.
Sadly we live in an
America where the Supreme Court is now the protector of an imperial Presidency
where the President is unconstrained by the law.
Hence the most
Orwellian aspect of this ruling by the Supreme Court is not that it redefines
words but that it redefines America as being a country of men not of law where
what matters is not the law but what certain powerful individuals say the law
should be.
The Supreme Court has
now shown itself to be a defender of the ruling elite's power over the people.
If the Supreme Court had not distorted words beyond the breaking point the
issue would have had to be resolved by the representatives of the people, all
the representatives not just the President.
Instead the Court has
ruled that one man can redefine a law anyway he wants effectively
disenfranchising the people; undoubtedly King George has a sardonic smirk on
It's interesting that
this is the second time the Court has shared its anti-American power with
Obama; historically the Court has reserved such imperial authority to itself.
For example the Court
in the past has invented out of whole cloth the right to abortion and a wall of
separation between church and state.
But in both Obamacare,
or as Justice Scalia calls it SCOTUScare, rulings the court has said that Obama
can ignore what the words say and do as he wishes just as though he had the
same authority as the Supreme Court does to ignore the intent of the
Conservatives now have
to face the reality that a coup has occurred in America. A coup not led by gun
waving soldiers but by briefcase toting lawyers.
By rejecting the idea
that the role of the Supreme Court is to figure out what the wording of a law
means and pushing the view that the role of the Supreme Court is to do what's
"right"--as defined by liberal lawyers of course-- the entire system
of checks and balances established in the Constitution has been destroyed.
We are beyond the
point where half measures are enough. Like the oppressed masses in any
pretend Democracy we need to reclaim our rights as citizens and dethrone the
ruling elites who have stolen our freedom.
To do this we need to
elect representatives, presidents, and senators who are committed to freedom
and "power to the people"; a phrase used but never intended by the
liberal elites but now radically conservative in nature.
The Boehners and
McConnells of the world will not save us; at most they will delay our
transition from citizens to serfs.
We must unite behind a
Presidential candidate who represents the people not one whose sole value is
that they are "electable". "Electable" Republicans rarely
win because they don't light the fire of freedom in the minds of voters.
"Electable" Republicans are generally stooges of the
establishment who are comfortable with a ruling class so long as that class has
somewhat conservative values.
If you don’t want your children to live as servants now is the time to start
working to ensure that the election of 2016 will put people who want freedom
for America in office. And don’t listen to the media; America is full of good
politicians or would be politicians who are motivated by principle not
profit. You may have to look but you can
find candidates to support; including in primaries against folks like Boehner.
If we fail in electing honorable men and women who believe in freedom then we
will witness the end of the American dream and the beginning of just another
hell hole run by elites for elites at the expense of the people.
feel free to follow me on
Twitter; I won't report you as a stalker!